I think I used enough tea leaves, it just isn’t strong enough for me. I’ve tried making this tea several times before adding a note. I think this mixed with vanilla black tea would work well.
I think I used enough tea leaves, it just isn’t strong enough for me. I’ve tried making this tea several times before adding a note. I think this mixed with vanilla black tea would work well.
I am always up for sharing my tea with others. If you’re interested in something just let me know.
My Ratings
80+ Love it, needs to purchase more!
70-79 Pretty good, would consider another cup
50-69 Not bad, but probably won’t repurchase
< 50 Bleck, I don’t want another cup
Maybe try more leaf?
I think I used enough tea leaves, it just isn’t strong enough for me. I’ve tried making this tea several times before adding a note. I think this mixed with vanilla black tea would work well.
Except for the fact that greens and blacks need different steeping temps and times. So if you combine them I’d steep it at the time and temp for green leaves.