In like two decades of steady tea drinking, this stands as one of the absolute heights of experience. The first sip, my eyes rolled back in my head, I let out a guttural bark, and said, “Oh holy godDAMN.”
It’s not big-flavor-flavor-note tea. It’s what W2T seems to do best, which is this eerily perfect gestalt, this harmony across warm flavor and rich texture and glorious subtle qi and mood mellowingness. I’ve tried this tea out on the pu-erh beginners, and they’re like, “it’s nice and smooth,” and get more excited about the big-camphor fat-flavor stuff. It is, as Paul himself suggests, not for beginners. But it is beautiful, in a way that’s extremely, extremely hard to unpack.
Pro-tip: the second time I drank Bosch, I only took it to 16 steeps and had to leave. The next morning, I was on my way to work, and thought, “What the hell,” and threw the remains of of yesterday’s Bosch into my glass tea thermos thingy. I was worried it would be a waste. Instead: whole new realms of subtle warmth and oiliness and richness unlocked. As I was leaving my car, and actually dropped the damn tea thermos and watched it shatter, and my first thought was: “Oh NO not the BOSCH.”
“eyes rolled back in my head, I let out a guttural bark”. I’ve only had this happen with certain gu shu sheng pu.