Ooh! A nice mellow chai!
It may be that this TARDIS mug actually IS bigger on the inside… It says 16oz, but I fill up the ingenuiTEA all the way to the top and there’s still lots of space. I knew I was going to be adding milk to this, so I brewed about 12oz, and I may have added a bit more milk than expected.
BUT THAT’S GOOD. Because I don’t particularly like chais – too spicy.
Although now that I think of it, my problem might have been that I was leery of adding milk to tea (don’t know why, really).
But yum. 2tsp/12oz, 1tsp German rock sugar and a liberal splash of whole milk. I think I’ll add more tea next time, since I’d actually like it a bit spicier!
Dry leaf smells really warm. Lots of cinnamon and clove, ginger and cardamon… smells like a typical chai to me. Steeped, it’s got an yellowy-orange taste that sort of fades into darker orange towards the sides, surrounding my taste buds. It’s very warm. It smells fairly spicy, but doesn’t have any of the bite.
I love ThinkGeek, I had no idea that had tea…
It’s a partnership with Adagio! They have this little sampler with Jasmine 1 Up Green Tea, Zombie Blood Orange, Tea Earl Grey Hot and Pirate Chai. They used to have a monkey-picked oolong, but that’s apparently been discontinued. I love TG. It’s so bad for my wallet!