drank Big Red Robe by TeaSource
20 tasting notes

This tea is not for everyone, but after purchasing on a whim a month ago, it has quickly moved into my list of top shelf favorites. It’s just a fantastic and unique tea for me. It’s right in my wheelhouse – and has enough that set it apart from others that I’ve tasted to make it really enjoyable.

I should note that I may not be drinking the same version of Big Red Robe that previous people have reviewed. This version (bought in 2020) is a blend. Taken from the TeaSource website:

“This tea was made by Mr. Tang Shuang Jiang and is a blend of teas from Jian Ou County (Jian Ou is next to Wuyi, a traditional rock oolong area) and Anxi County. Mr. Tang has a classmate in Jin Ou who makes Shui Xian, Mei Zan, Qi Lan, and Rou Gui teas. He took all four of these finished teas back to Anxi to blend with Ti Kwan Yin. He then roasted the leaves to create this traditional Big Red Robe flavor profile.”

The flavors I get on tasting are sesame oil, roasted nut, smokiness, malt, caramel, and even (dare I say) a hint of cannabis. These flavors melt together into a delicious liquor.

It’s also great for multiple steepings.

Perfect tea to drink on a cold autumn night, right before training your lethal Wu-Tang sword style techniques with the other monks.

I’m surprised to not see any note of sesame oil in the reviews! That is the number one flavor I get with this tea. It sounds kind of weird – and it sort of is – but it’s really wonderful. (There isn’t a flavor pre-made yet but I just sent in the suggestion.)

Based on this tea, I think my next journey might be exploring rock oolongs in further detail.

Flavors: Cannabis, Caramel, Malt, Roasted Nuts, Smoked

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Rock oolong is a journey that will cost you… But the good ones have provided some of the most sublime sessions.


Nice to know, thanks for the warning!

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Rock oolong is a journey that will cost you… But the good ones have provided some of the most sublime sessions.


Nice to know, thanks for the warning!

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I have too many teas and I forget things, so I’m mostly using this site to categorize and note my preferences. But if someone else gets something out of that, that’s great.

I prefer malty, smoky black teas the most for taste, and puer teas for the “kick” they give me. Though I do dabble in other types those are my two mainstays.

90-100 best of the best. these are the teas that I may even hesitate to drink because I don’t want to use them up.

80-89 great and unique in some way, probably a usual in my rotation. I’ll buy it if I’m getting low, unless it’s very expensive.

70-79 very solid but not spectacular. Buy it on sale.

60-69 not necessarily a disappointment. Just okay. Will drink but won’t buy again.

50-59 I’ll be hard pressed to drink these again, but they aren’t gross. They’ll sit in my storage until I’m bored enough to drink again.

<50 I won’t be finishing this off. Getting grosser as the number goes down.



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