In first-world tragedies, I was making this tea for the first time, and I reached over my sink with the open packet when…oh… no… it fell from my hands into a bowl filled with water that was soaking in the sink. I fished it out right away and somehow convinced myself that the inside of the packet hadn’t gotten wet. But when I went to scoop some tea out, I learned the horrible truth.
So I made all of the tea.
I’ll be drinking this all day.
The dry tea (the packet was open because I was sniffing it) smelled like the Rose Petal Ice Cream that was served at my old high-school employer’s shop. That, in turn smelled like the rose pastilles in a mock-Victorian tin, sold at the General Store next door to the ice cream shop. My Northeastern Town liked to fancy itself quaint in the mid-90s, you see. Now it has a Dunkin Donuts and a Starbucks on the main street.
Anyway, I like this tea! If I were having a tea party, I’d definitely serve it. I’d make lemon frosted scones and serve them alongside, and invite all the nice ladies I know. We’d drink this outside (hmmm I have no patio furniture) and gossip and whatnot. Yeaaah that’s what I’d do.
The green tea really fades to the back; this is is sweet rose candy. It’s the rose counterpart to jasmine tea. Raising pinky
I want to come that your tea party! lemon frosted scones sound perfect with this tea. :) That and baklava.
Ooooh tasty!