Oh Teavana, always too strong or really weak. You describe this tea as subtle, but that isn’t the word I’d use for it. Weak is much closer to the reality.
A friend sent me this one up over the border (she’s awesome and sends me the ones from Teavana that interest me) and I excitedly brewed it up. I’ve yet to find a pear tea that truly captures what a pear tastes like to me, and I was hopeful that this one would be it. My mistake was forgetting that anjous, while sweet, are a really mild pear, and so of course a tea named after them wouldn’t be overly pear-ful. There is definite hints of pear here, but overall the tea isn’t that great. I even tried blending it with a lemon oolong I have to see if that would pop flavours but instead it managed to bland down my lemon! Not one I’ll be asking for a resend on, sadly.