Got this from the Steepster Select December package. Dude. I need to get through those teas. I think I have just a single serving for 4 of the 5. The Roasted Dong Ding I left for my roommate since she loved it so much :)
This smells like a typical black tea. Assam? Ceylon? It didn’t have any defining features right when I ripped open the package, and as it was steeping, it still smelt like a typical black tea.
Tasting it, it tastes a bit weaker than other black teas that I’ve had, but I do get bits of that “sour cherry” that is written on the package.
Overall, an okay cup of tea. The other package has been placed in my sipdown pile already and I’d happily rid this tea from my stash :)
Slept at 1:30 last night and I’m actually really surprised that I was able to whip out my paper in 2 hours. HA. I legit started it at 11pm and finished at 1. But I had a pretty nice outline, I just didn’t add this company in the outline so I had to tweak a while bunch of things.
Now with a full night’s rest, it is 11 am, I’m drinking this tea to wake me up! Paper is due at 1:30 tonight and now I’m just editing all the mistakes that my 12am brain made haha.