Following 88 Tea Drinkers

tperez 237 followers

Tea addict since around 2011. My favorites are pu’erhs, blacks/reds, and roas...

Trey 7 followers

Favorites: shu puerh, moonlight white, ya bao, Laoshan black

MzPriss 192 followers

Black/red Chinese teas, pu-erh and oolong hold the keys to my heart. I don’t ...

kristinalee 56 followers

I drink black and oolong teas — and am trying to learn a little about puerh t...

SilasSteep 27 followers

Tea is my offering to the muses. Fuel for song. I like Oolongs, Blacks, Shou ...

kevdog19 35 followers

I like sheng cha. It’s good. I’m not.

Liquid Proust 642 followers

Tea Enthusiast / Tea Drunk . . To...

esung123 13 followers

a bad pasty 27 followers

I drink pu.


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