Followed by 102 Tea Drinkers

Crimson Lotus Tea 178 followers

We are Crimson Lotus Tea, a Seattle area puerh tea import and education compa...

DarkStar 36 followers

I live and work in cold Aberdeen, Scotland at the moment. Main interests are...

Sophie Tea House 58 followers

We provide with quality Shaanxi Fu zhuan tea ( Mo Jun Fu Cha)and Puerh tea( X...

Phi 86 followers

hniu 1 followers

Kenfu 14 followers

Hi my name is Ken, I began obsessively drinking tea during my undergrad in Ch...

kristinalee 56 followers

I drink black and oolong teas — and am trying to learn a little about puerh t...

Haveteawilltravel 273 followers

Young and experienced Tea consumer. I’m continuously learning and developing ...


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