I’ve been on a bit of a tea logging hiatus lately as I’ve not been feeling very well but I’m back for now… Time for some backlog (backlogging?)
This is another from Teavivre’s Green Tea sample pack, I picked it at random since I’ve only got two left to try and neither was particularly calling me over the other.
The dry tea is quite fresh and floral and there are definite grassy notes mixed in but what surprised me was the amount of “nut” aroma I was getting, it actually reminded me of the Dragon Well Long Jin (which I also tried from this sample pack) in how nutty it was.
After a quick rinse my first steeping (30 sec) gave me a very pale gold liquor that smelled of sweet floral notes mixed in with nuts and a touch of summer grass. The flavor, though mellow, was quite nutty compared to the brewed aroma and contained a few buttery undertones alongside the sweet floral highlights. The mouthfeel was rich and creamy while still being rather light and there was no bitterness or astringency what-so-ever.
My second cup (1 min) was a pale yellow color and the scent carried a few more floral and buttery notes compared to the first cup. Flavor wise I also found a few more buttery tones, to the point where it was almost pastry like, while the grass notes hung in the background (which made for a very interesting contrast). The floral flavors moved into the finish of the sip while the mouthfeel lost a bit of its rich creaminess.
The last cup (1:30 min) was the most floral (in both taste and flavor) of them all, as well as being the least sweet. The majority of the nutty and buttery notes had disappeared and the summer grass flavors were now at the forefront. The mouthfeel had also shifted, still light but with just the slightest touch of creaminess.
In the end it was a lovely experience, the progression of flavor and scent changes over the course of the steepings made for a wonderful afternoon.