I really do enjoy red rooibos teas… there’s just something about them that calls to me, so when I saw that DT’s chocolate gift package contained Mint Chocolate Rooibos I knew immediately that I would have a new favorite. Like really… Mint. Chocolate. Rooibos. Three things that I enjoy in general, never mind as ingredients in a tea, all mixed together in one warm, lovely cup. How could I go wrong??

I couldn’t! :D

Dry this tea isn’t spectacular to look at, the green from the mint faded due to the drying process and it blends in with the rooibos (it’s also broken up quite a bit compared to other DT mint blends that I’ve seen) but the smell… Oh ya. One sniff and you’re surrounded by chocolate minty goodness. The chocolate isn’t a dark aroma (more like a “milk” chocolate) but it blends well with the red rooibos and there’s just enough sweetness from the vanilla to smooth out the sharpness of the peppermint. It all combines to make up a well-rounded, though straightforward, scent profile.

Steeped the liquor comes out a deep red (go figure for a red rooibos :D), nice and clear but with a bit of film on the top, most likely from the chocolate chips and the peppermint oils. It’s not bad, barely noticeable really, but it is there. As for the aroma… I find there’s a bit more depth to it as compared to the dry version. The peppermint steps forward with a bit more sharpness, while the chocolate deepens and takes on more of a “supporting role.” I do loose a bit of the rooibos and vanilla scents, they’re there but just not as much as before the tea infused.

The flavor though… Just one word, YUM! The creaminess of the red rooibos really lifts up the chocolate and peppermint to new heights and serves as a great bridge to blend it all together. I lose out on most of the vanilla at this point though, it certainly helps to sweeten the tea up nicely and support the chocolate but it’s not “present” for me. Speaking of the chocolate, it’s definitely more of a milk chocolate, which is just fine as anything darker would definitely throw off the balance of the infusion.

Yep, it’s a winner for me! Chocolate, peppermint & rooibos. What a combination! I’m actually very glad that DT went with a rooibos blending rather than a black tea variant, I think the darkness inherent in a black tea wouldn’t have worked as well for this tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 15 sec

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Ever since I discovered the wide world that is loose-leaf teas, I haven’t been able to go back. It doesn’t seem to matter what type it is or if it’s “straight” or “flavored” tea is my thing. It’s actually quite funny as I’m surrounded by coffee lovers who just can’t quite grasp why, to me, tea is better than coffee. :D (which considering it’s less-than a 5 minute walk to each of 2 separate Tim Horton’s, a Starbucks AND a Second Cup… that’s saying something!)

On the whole I tend to prefer my tea strong and “au natural” with no sweeteners, milk or other additions, but like most everyone there’s always exceptions to the rule… just not many of them.

Aside from tea I love reading (especially if there is a fireplace or campfire involved), camping/hiking, horseback riding and Healing Touch (similar to Reiki). Oh and computers and board games (euro style, is there anything else? ;)) and… and… chuckles OK so I have a large variety of interests.



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