Waking up to blowing snow and a wind chill of -26C (-15F for those of you in the US) really makes me want to turn right around and crawl back into bed; instead here I am at work, with ice cubes for hands and toes (despite being wrapped in a warm blanket). I definitely need some tea!
I was going to go for one of few mate’s that I keep in stock in my cupboard (I seriously needed a bit of a caffeine pick-me-up) but in the hunt for just the right one I ran across my bag of Sugar & Spice tea which started calling “Pick me! Pick me!” So that’s what I’m having instead. Warm, spicy (but not tingly) and soothing this one hit the spot. I’m going to have to pick up some more of this for my cupboard… I’ve only got enough to brew another 2 cups!