journalogging #1 of 4
Thank you to Bonnie for this decadent sample from TeaVivre!!
As I’ve never tried a straight White, this one completely refashioned my perception and respect for what they have to offer! This Bai Hao Yin Zhen is fragrantly refined and tempered living hayfields yet is also tinged with the slightest salt balance in the cup. The buds were amazingly downy and delicate but tripped the light fantastic when given the chance over five steepings. Simply quite wonderful and a splendid offering from TeaVivre!
I’ve never noticed the salt aspect, but I’ll keep that in mind.
It was only there for maybe the first third of any given cup before fading – probably at the same rate that the tea was cooling. I added half a spoonful of agave to one of the cups, third or fourth I believe, and it disappeared completely though I suppose I could have expected that