It took a couple tries to get this right, but I finally did. Unfortunately, I’ve realized many teas can only be steeped twice maximum, this included. If you get enough of the blend (not just tea or added herb), it comes out really smooth. The green component is not astringent, quite mellow like dragon well. The creaminess comes through without overwhelming the green. It is pretty light, so you’ll probably have to use more tea, close to about 1/2 tbsp per 200ml, or more. I like to keep the steep time and temp low for the first cup, that way the leaves don’t unfurl too much. Second cup is at a higher temp for slightly longer. Too bad Butiki is going out of business; this was my first and likely last order. I drank this hot btw, or warmish… The spice really helps with the nog flavor.
Flavors: Creamy, Spices, Vegetal