Well the first few sips of this were nice. True raspberry complemented by a nice white base and something a bit cakey. But as it cooled, a strange mustyness took over and I really didn’t like that. Nope, not at all. I won’t say it was terrible, but it went from pretty decent to pretty meh very quickly. Oh, also? I didn’t like how sweet it was. Almost syrupy.
Yeah, I’d have this again, if it was offered to me. But I definitely won’t buy it unless there is a specific reason like infusing it into alcohol. Heyyyyy maybe I’ll use up the last of it that way :P
As well, I’m annoyed that I asked for 10 grams, the girl at the counter gave me 14, claiming that any less wouldn’t give me a full serving. Well I had a massive mug, two cups worth, and I’ve still got enough for another of the same? Using my measuring spoon, that I purchased from DT. What gives????