Every time I’ve had this previously, I’ve complained about it being wimpy. Had about 1/3 of an Adagio-sized sample tin left and just dumped the whole mess in a tea-for-one to get rid of it. I should have done that sooner…finally, flavor! Still light, but finally found the “butter zone.” Was good for our first really chilly afternoon in months when I didn’t want heavy caffeine. Upping my rating just a scoosh.
Yeah, that’s the lesson I’m learning with whites too. I have a tin of Rishi’s Snowbud that I didn’t like at all until I started using more leaf (like two grams in a 4oz pot), but then it was delicious. Buying a tiny scale and measuring my whites by weight has let me enjoy them a lot more :)
I use a lot of leaf for my whites, ~1TB most times.
Yeah, that’s the lesson I’m learning with whites too. I have a tin of Rishi’s Snowbud that I didn’t like at all until I started using more leaf (like two grams in a 4oz pot), but then it was delicious. Buying a tiny scale and measuring my whites by weight has let me enjoy them a lot more :)
I agree teabird… I use it for other teas, but whites are the reason I bought my scale- craming the long, delicate leaves in a measuring spoon is a MAJOR P.I.T.B.