So I’m sure none of you have miscellaneous unidentified baggies and plastic containers littering your desk drawers at work; y’all label everything precisely by name, date, and can identify them by scent, correct?
I am not that disciplined; therefore, when I found this little stash of bags in my office yesterday, I decided to be adventurous and just dunk it.
Took me a while to figure out I was tasting. First random thought that came to mind was “Hickory Chicory Chai” just because it was fun to say—turns out there are actually some teas by that name.
After half a cup, I decided to quit guessing and flipped through my tealog. Now I remember. This does not taste like Hershey bar and mint; the carob base is more reminiscent of coffee (that’s what set off the “chicory” whistle). At any rate, it isn’t bad and definitely did what I sent it out to do—get the eyes open so I’d be awake enough to go home on time :)