drank Berry Melange by Custom
3011 tasting notes

Summer seems to be the universal Steepster Scrap Drive season—using up the bits to make room for the good stuff next fall. And in keeping with the spirit of salvage, I pulled this out to make a jar of cold brew. A gift from the kind and creative jacquelinem last summer, it’s a scrap of berry this and a pinch of berry that. All sweet, no tart, it makes a wonderful cooler and soother. (100 in the shade this afternoon.)

My husband recommended renaming it Teaberry Suicide, or Teaberry Strangler in honor of the Laura Childs mystery.

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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