I recently got a box of this for my birthday and have had a few cups since. It is actually quite tasty I think. I dont know if I would buy it myself, but I am happy I got it. Smells great and has some cinnamon flavor but not overwhelming. I am not sure if I like Black Tea yet….a few more atstings and I may change my rating. Also decent for the price.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Please like and write a positive comment on my audition tape!!

Just started to enjoy tea and cannot wait to dive further and further into this wonderful world.


100-93 BAZINGA, This is Unreal. I can drink this forever and MUST have it in my cupboard at all times. I may even drink it out of one of those beer helmets with the two straws…its that good!

92-85 A must have, Maybe even willing to share with friends. not quite the perfect tea

84-76 Probably daily drinker but not necessarily a staple/must have. A tasty treat none the less

75-65 Good decent tea, perhaps just missing a little something

64-50 Drinkable but thats about it. Definitely not buying this again.

49-00 Bad, depending on the number it is ranked depends on just how bad it is. If someone shares a tea ranked this low with you, you have done something wrong or are not that persons friend.


Halifax, Nova Scotia



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