1120 Tasting Notes


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drank Peachberry Jasmine Sutra by Teavana
1120 tasting notes

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I feel wholly unqualified to write a review for this since I have no familiarity with oolong beyond whatever kind they serve at Chinese restaurants. Based on that, it seems like this is a basic but solid tea, and from a standpoint of pure enjoyment, I like it quite a bit.

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It generally takes me more than one cup to form a complete opinion about any one tea, but this one was a record, taking about six! However, I imagine that’s because I’m not as familiar with green tea as I am with black and herbal, and this was my first flavored loose leaf green.

Initially, I thought that this didn’t taste like cinnamon or apples at all, but I retract that statement. The added flavors aren’t as strong as I’m accustomed to, yes, but they’re still very much there. The apple bits and cinnamon are right there in the leaves, rather than being some kind of artificial addition; they not as strong, but they make the tea taste like real apples!

This falls somewhere between unflavored tea and the stuff with so much flavoring added that you can’t even tell it’s tea.

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drank White Pear by Revolution Tea
1120 tasting notes

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• green teas
• floral notes of all kinds
• dessert teas

• licorice
• heavy spice

Quick summary of ratings:

90s: Outstanding, definite rebuy
80s: Very good, doesn’t blow me away
70s: Good, but some type of flaw
60s: All right, worth a taste
50s: Not so great, but drinkable
40s and below: Various levels of dislike to hate. It just depends on how gross I think it is.



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