drank MateVana by Teavana
1120 tasting notes

It’s interesting how the chocolate and nuts can’t be tasted individually but instead make a flavor that’s very reminiscent of coffee. I always take this one with sweetener (just like I do with coffee) and I wish I had some milk or cream to make it a bit thicker.

I can’t think of any way to describe this besides “that coffee tea”, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing — I love the taste of coffee but not the way it makes my stomach feel or the over-the-top kick of caffeine it tends to give me. A good pick if you, too, want the taste of coffee but the effects of maté.

5 min, 0 sec

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• green teas
• floral notes of all kinds
• dessert teas

• licorice
• heavy spice

Quick summary of ratings:

90s: Outstanding, definite rebuy
80s: Very good, doesn’t blow me away
70s: Good, but some type of flaw
60s: All right, worth a taste
50s: Not so great, but drinkable
40s and below: Various levels of dislike to hate. It just depends on how gross I think it is.



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