drank Ice Cream Cake by DAVIDsTEA
1120 tasting notes

52teas’ rainbow sherbert is one of my favorite gimmicky dessert teas, so I was really excited to try this one out!

The leaf looks and smells a bit odd. The scent isn’t bad, but it’s not much like ice cream, and the appearance is kind of… messy, presumably due to the fact that sprinkles and freeze dried ice cream are not designed to keep their shape when mixed with tea leaves. But hey, I didn’t get this to stare at it, so let’s move on.

The flavor with no additions is similarly hard to describe. If I didn’t know what it was, I might guess some kind of strawberries and cream, and knowing what to look for I can definitely tell that there’s freeze-dried ice cream in there. It’s also got a notable sweetness that will probably turn a lot of people off, but I don’t mind.

I also tried this with milk because it seemed like the proper thing to do, but it was a poor choice and just diluted the flavor.

This is a tough tea to rate! It’s definitely got an intriguing and unique taste and I’m glad I tried it, but I’m not sure I’d say that I like it. I’d rather drink an okay unique tea than an okay boring tea, so points for that, but unless you’re as curious as I was I would say to skip it.

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• green teas
• floral notes of all kinds
• dessert teas

• licorice
• heavy spice

Quick summary of ratings:

90s: Outstanding, definite rebuy
80s: Very good, doesn’t blow me away
70s: Good, but some type of flaw
60s: All right, worth a taste
50s: Not so great, but drinkable
40s and below: Various levels of dislike to hate. It just depends on how gross I think it is.



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