drank Orange Blossom by Tazo
47 tasting notes

Smells amazing. That’s about it. I wasn’t to pleased with the deceptive nature of this tea. With what appears to be a hint chamomile and a few Goji berries this tea is easily over steeped. Perhaps I shall give this one another try in the future with a lesser steep time. Flavor over all misses orange as it’s primary target and we’re left with just the taste of chamomile to keep us entertained. If you like that then give this a try. If not, don’t be deceived by the aroma!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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Currently a Bible Student at Eternity Bible College. I love literature and film, which should always be complimented by great tea. From C.S. Lewis to Ayn Rand & Chuck Palahniuk to Jonathan Edwards I’m always reading. I like philosophy, but love theology. Hoping to “finally” finish college within the next couple of years I love my church family and can’t live without them. God has truly blessed my life with a tremendous amount of grace. So thankful to Him.


Simi Valley, CA

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