Looking for Blog Reviewers - Tea Forte products

Hi -

I’m looking for tea bloggers that would be interested in reviewing a few new products we have to offer. If you’re interested, please send me your site URL and mailing info. We are choosing 20 participants. I will be in touch if your site is selected. I may be contacted at cboehmer@teaforte.com

Thanks in advance!

17 Replies

email sent! thanks for the chance

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Hi, Cindy. I’m not a tea blogger, but I just wanted to tell you that I like Tea Forte. I had your English Breakfast every morning at the hotel I stayed in on my recent vacation, and it was quite good!

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I sent you an email Cindy. Thank you for the offer :)

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I will be emailing you ASAP – Thanks!!!

I got mine yesterday too! I already posted one review on steepster and will on my personal teablog too as well as teareviewblog

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I tried emailing and for some reason It would not go through. I like to review teas on steepster here. I would be interesting on hopefully reviewing new products.

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Thank you for all the replies. You guys are fast at posting!

Did you get the email I sent you yesterday, btw!?

it’s easy when the gadget is fun!

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Kristin said

Oh! I am waiting for my samples. I’m so excited to hear that some of you got yours. maybe mine will come today.

Kristin said

Got mine today! Reviewing on steepster as I drink them and then in a few days I’ll put together one big blog post for all 3 sample teas.

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We received the Kati and teas today – thanks very much Cindy – that was FAST! :) Cannot wait to get some reviews done on this!

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Thanks so much everyone – I’ll post again when we have some new teas and accessories to review. We’ve met our quota on this one.


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LENA said

Awww…boo. Guess I didn’t make the cut.

SoccerMom said

me either ;(

Meghann M said

mee neither :( Maybe next time :)

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