Looking for a new to me Irish Breakfast tea? More questions ...
Looking to buy sampler teas that ship to EU?
Oolongs and fruit teas suggestions?
Thanks for any reply.
I enjoyed Harney and Sons Irish Breakfast and I think that should available in the UK. Irish Breakfast by Grace Rare Tea was good but I see they have been bought by Mark T Wendell company. That would require international shipping. Have you had Bewley’s and Gurman’s? There are so many good teas from Gurman’s! I order from the one in Dublin.
Gurman’s has a few Irish named teas. Irish Cream, Breakfast and Afternoon. Cream is my favorite followed by Breakfast.
Ooooh, I haven’t tried the Irish Cream one!
I didn’t mention O’Connor’s Cream which is available from Teageschwendner and Tin Roof Teasmbecause I was only thinking of plain Irish breakfast blends, but that is one I really love. Is the Gurman’s one rich, chocolatey, and boozy?
Adagio has a really good Irish Breakfast tea at a reasonable price. I have a good friend who lives in Ireland and sent me delicious Irish teas. Irish Breakfast from Bewleys is my favorite. Dublin Morning Tea from Bewley’s is amazing too. They are in tea bags but it is strong and malty. Super Irish Breakfast from Stash is delicious too. I like Irish Breakfast better than English Breakfast it’s stronger and has more flavor and depth.
Simpson & Vail has some good irish blends for a low price. I’m far from an expert on Irish black tea though, so may not be the best advisor
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