2021: How much will you spend on tea this year!?
Because tradition demands it…
Time to track how much you’re spending on tea each year. You can edit a comment to keep track throughout the year, or make a new comment for each month/purchase – totally up to you! A lot of people set a budget/goal for the year, or an amount they’d like to stay under per month. Some folk include teaware purchases, and others don’t.
If you’ve seen past years threads and felt awkward joining in mid year, now is a perfect time to join in – and if you’re seeing this in the future and it’s the middle of the year don’t feel like you can’t start mid way through!
So have fun, and lets track our tea spending!
2020: https://steepster.com/discuss/38946-2020-how-much-will-you-spend-on-tea-this-year
2019: https://steepster.com/discuss/29706-2019-how-much-will-you-spend-on-tea-this-year
2018 – https://steepster.com/discuss/20676-2018-how-much-will-you-spend-on-tea-this-year
2017 – https://steepster.com/discuss/14961-2017-how-much-will-you-spend-on-tea-this-year
2016 – https://steepster.com/discuss/12376-2016-how-much-will-you-spend-on-tea-this-year
2015 – http://steepster.com/discuss/10160-2015-how-much-will-you-spend-on-tea-this-year
2014 – http://steepster.com/discuss/6837-how-much-did-you-spend-on-tea-in-2014
Also going to cross post this year’s Sipdown Challenge thread as well, as I know that many people’s spending is influenced not just by budget but by sipdowns as well.
I have, somewhat affectionately, come to call this thread my “shame list” as the amount I spend on tea only gets larger with each passing year…
So with that in mind, here’s the year by year breakdown:
2020 – $7920.87
2019 – $4791.51
2018 – $3929.54
2017 – $3805.50
2016 – $2034.13
2015 – $1998.46
2014 – $1466.61
I’m going to partially blame the massive bump last year to the fact my salary almost doubled from the start of the year to the end of the year and the fact that pretty much ALL my extracurricular expenses outside of tea and food delivery basically vanished overnight at the start of the pandemic. I don’t want to make excuses this year though…
This year the only firm budget goal I’m giving myself is to spend less than last year. That said, I’m also participating in the Sipdown Challenge so I’m hoping that by only buying when I hit landmark sipdown goals I can in turn drastically reduce my spending as well.
I also want to do less advent calendars this year, which should help reduce a lot of my end of the year spending too…
January: $407.99
Jaf Tea $4.99
Arbee Ceramics (Teapot) $103.00
Dessert by Deb $18.00
Camellia Sinensis $107.00
Tea With Jann (Stickers + Teaware) $175.00
February: $438.50
Retro Leaf Tea $84.00
Pottery by Inge Neilson (Gaiwan) $154.50
The Tea Practitioner $52.00
Bitterleaf Tea (Teaware) $110.00
Bloom Tea $38.00
March: $1330.02
Adjourn Tea House $123.00
Arbee Ceramics (Teaware) $121.00
Zappyo $64.00
Bird & Blend (Group Order) $60.00
Bitterleaf Tea (Teaware) $313.00
White2Tea $84.02
Pugs & Pigs $92.00
Geek + Tea $61.00
Dryad Tea (Teaware) $197.00
Kuura $213.00
April: $100.00
Pitch Black North $15.00
Ketlee $85.00
May: $1765.37
Dessert by Deb $61.00
Paru $230.37
Poppy Angeloff (Teacup) $62.00
Hojicha Co. $35.00
White2Tea $364.00
Kong Mountain Tea (Teaware) $566.00
Bitterleaf Tea $447.00
June: $734.60
Bitterleaf Tea (Replacement teacup) $60.00
Pieces of Porcelain (Teaware) $70.00
Mao Projects (Teaware) $123.00
DAVIDsTEA (Teaware) $62.00
Zadiko $33.00
Camellia Sinensis (Teaware) $75.00
Hella Tea $122.95
Pottery by Inge Neilson (Teapot) $188.65
July: $673.21
Black Lotus Tea $41.21
White2Tea $366.00
Bitterleaf Tea $266.00
August: $1170.03
Anemone Pottery Studio $58.00
Sarjesa $30.73
Eastern Tea Bar $125.00
Pugs & Pigs $25.30
Arbee Ceramics (Teaware) $55.00
52Teas $175.00
The Silk Tea Co. $60.00
Crafted Leaf (Teaware) $531.00
September: $888.90
Camellia Sinensis (Teaware) $100.00
Pugs & Pigs (Teaware) $38.00
Don Goddard (Teaware) $63.00
World Tea House (Advent) $70.00
Paper & Tea (Advent) 101.50
Bitterleaf Tea $256.00
T2 (Advent + Other Tea) $118.40
Dessert by Deb $65.00
52Teas (12 Days of Christmas) $77.00
October: $1271.00
Crimson Lotus Tea $125.00
Kiani Tea (Advent) $71.00
BrutaliTeas $216.00
AutumnRosesCeramics (Teaware) $74.00
White2Tea $408.00
DAVIDsTEA (Teaware) $20.00
Bitterleaf Teas $357.00
_*November:* $892.10
Kusmi (Advent) $60.00
Tea With Jann $130.00
Satanic Tea Co. $15.00
Mayer Ceramics $92.00
Gushu Studio (Teaware) $160.00
Pottery by Inge Neilson (Gaiwan) $153.00
White2Tea $213.40
Bitterleaf Teas $68.70
December: $620.20
Brian Giniew (Teacup) $62.00
White2Tea $94.40
Tea Thoughts (Teaware) $120.00
West China Tea (Mostly Teaware) $282.30
The Tea Girl $61.50
GRAND TOTAL: $10399.92
Your amounts are in CAD correct? Also just curious how much do you think that amount would increase if you weren’t working for DT since I’m assuming you don’t have to purchase DT tea/teaware?
Yes, this is in CAD.
You’re correct though, I get a real advantage by not having to pay for tea and, quite often, teaware from DT – it’s a pretty awesome job perk. I’m not entirely sure, since I don’t really track it – but my guess would be that it would likely be an additional $1000(ish) on tea, and probably another $500 or so on teaware? That’s a very rough guess, though.
Nothing wrong with getting job perks whatever the company/job is!! I loved being a DT “seasonal” tea guide for 15 months (basically two holiday seasons and the year in between worked 1-2x a week) just getting to be in the store environment to be there when everything came out/employee discount so I imagine being a permanent full-time corporate employee would make it even better! :D My current full-time job has a huge perk of something that’s another passion (not tea-related) of mine making it hard when thinking about my future LOL.
Good LORD, Ros. Does that… does that say seven thousand??
I mean, yeah, I understand it though. Pandemic made fools of all of us. I could only imagine how much you’d have spent in the US! Still, it is technically your job, so I guess good work? Either way, I hope you reach your goal this year.
Hoping to reduce the spending this year significantly, not because of the money but because I’m going to make more of an effort to sip down a lot of my cupboard.
My current strategy is one order per month, excluding subscriptions.
2020 Total: $1,808.36
2021 TOTAL: $2,134.64
Dessert by Deb subscription (12 months prepaid): $240 CAD ($188.38)
January ($132.85)
3 Leaf Tea – $58
52teas – $20 (subscription)
Bird & Blend – $16.60 (subscription)
Kyoto Obubu – ¥2,400 ($23.25) (subscription)
Sips By – $15 (subscription)
February ($203.17)
52teas – $20 (subscription)
Bird & Blend – $16.60 (subscription)
Kyoto Obubu – ¥2,400 ($22.87) (subscription)
Naoki Matcha – $48.98
New Moon Tea Co. – $96.05 CAD ($74.77)
Yum Matcha – $19.95
March ($192.99)
Bird & Blend – £26.25 ($36.54) (subscription + extras)
British Corner Shop – $29.51
Dessert by Deb – $42.00 CAD ($33.54)
Ippodo – $17.00
Kyoto Obubu – ¥2,400 ($22.50) (subscription)
TeaVivre – $28.90
The Silk Tea Co – $25.00
April ($246.06)
3 Leaf Tea – $25.00
Bird & Blend – £16.50 ($22.81) (subscription)
Grocery store – $3.95
Japanese grocery store – $11.98
Kyoto Obubu – ¥2,400 ($21.70) (subscription)
Kyoto Obubu – ¥7,200 ($65.87)
Lupicia – $85.75
Rishi – $9.00
May ($143.93)
Bird & Blend – £36.50 ($50.43) (subscription + extras)
Dessert by Deb – $87.00 CAD ($71.55)
Kyoto Obubu – ¥2,400 ($21.95) (subscription)
June ($78.96)
Bird & Blend – £13.80 ($19.56) (subscription)
Good Tea Good Day – $32.00
Kyoto Obubu – ¥3,000 ($27.40) (subscription)
July ($62.09)
Bird & Blend – £13.80 ($19.08) (subscription)
Ippodo – $16
Kyoto Obubu – ¥3,000 ($27.01) (subscription)
August ($46.62)
Bird & Blend – £13.80 ($19.17) (subscription)
Kyoto Obubu – ¥3,000 ($27.45) (subscription)
September ($423.77)
52teas – $58.75
DAVIDsTEA – $78.00 (advent + extras)
Dessert by Deb – $31.50 CAD ($24.58)
Fortnum & Mason – $228.10 (advent)
Kyoto Obubu – ¥3,000 ($27.42) (subscription)
October ($189.05)
Japanese grocery store – $5.99
Kiani Tea – $54.00 (advent)
Kyoto Obubu – ¥3,000 ($26.94) (subscription)
Zhi Tea – $102.12
November ($200.33)
Bird & Blend – $53.00 (advent)
Dessert by Deb – $58.00 CAD ($45.89)
Kyoto Obubu – ¥3,000 ($26.44) (subscription)
Lupicia – $75.00
December ($26.44)
Kyoto Obubu – ¥3,000 ($26.44) (subscription)
My spending history is as thus:
2016: $252.02
2017: $1455.42
2018: $2000.42
2019: $568.35
2020: $877.36
My cupboard is in such bad shape all because of the damage I did during 2017 and 2018, so I have made a conscientious effort to get it down. It was up this year compared to 2019 though; I blame an increase in teaware purchases and just the Covid blehs leading me to tea-website-browsing-temptations…
I’d love to get it back down to where I had it in 2019!
2021: $472.52
January: $11.55
THEODOR (c/o Dustin): $11.55
February: $137.25
Lupicia: $137.25
April: $35.00
Mizuba Tea Co.: $35.00
May: $17.00
T2: $17.00
June: $62.48
EBay (teaware): $43.49
Amazon (teaware): $18.99
July: $30.00
PDX TeaFes Support Sampler: $30.00
August: $35.00
Mizuba Tea Co.: $35.00
September: $2.99
DAVIDsTEA: $2.99
November: $32.00
Mizuba Tea Co.: $32.00
December: $109.25
52Teas: $109.25
Much better this year! Only two really expensive tea orders (birthday and holiday season) and other than that, the majority of any tea purchases this year was refilling my bag of culinary matcha that I use to make a breakfast smoothie every day. I also managed to finish off all the samplers from the Theodor order from Dustin and the PDX Tea Fes support box, leading to fairly low counts of new things being added to the cupboard. Probably my best year yet in regards to sipdown progress vs. spending habits. :-)
2020: 375,61 USD (B&B subscription, gaiwan, a few orders)
2021: Goals? Have as much sipdowns possible and finishing all the opened pouches. I gave myself a ban of opening new teas before I run out of similar style of tea. (Don’t open other black tea, when you got some other opened, Martin) As of spending, I think I would like to have spend similar to last year.
Billed amount, conversion to USD (if needed), conversion to CZK
12.60 EUR, 15.29 USD, 333 CZK — Bird and Blend subscription
193 CZK, 8.99 USD — Oxalis (Thai Lemon and Zasněžená romance)
12.47 USD, 319,20 CZK — Dustin’s THEODOR teas. (3x flavoured greens)
250 CZK, 11,68 USD — Dobrá čajovna
12.60 EUR, 15.29 USD, 333 CZK — Bird and Blend subscription
12,80 GBP, 17,71 USD, 400,90 CZK — Bird and Blend subscription
12,80 GBP, 17,71 USD, 394,04 CZK — Bird and Blend subscription
12,80 GBP, 17,71 USD, 394,04 CZK — Bird and Blend subscription
734 CZK, 34,87 USD — GoodTea.eu
Total: 2617 CZK
As much as it’s impossible, my goal for 2021 spending is $0. (Sorry tea shops.)
2019 total: $200
2020 total: $195.57
2021 total: $57.20
Maya Tea – $26.20
Bird & Blend – $31.00
updated 12/1/21
YEAH squeaked by Black Friday sales with no tea purchases. (I think I self-sabotage.. “oh wait… adagio’s free shipping already ended? darn.”)
Past few years have shaped up as follows:
2020: 387.45 USD; 683.35 CAD
2019: 288.89 USD; 120.33 CAD *mat leave
2018: 179.08 USD; 34.89 CAD *pregnant
2017: 317.27 USD 268.58 CAD
2016: 170.69 USD 170.21 CAD
2015: 1075.10 USD 206.21 CAD *paris trip
2014: 1320.42 USD 320.18 CAD
Because my cupboard is heavily under control now – my spending is generally under control as well. I’m back at work now, though i suspect with covid continuation my spending this year will be similar to last year or less. We’ll see though.
David’s Tea – 12.57 CAD
Deb’s Desserts – 27.00 CAD
Tea Girl – 88.00 CAD
David’s Tea – 21.95 CAD
Tealish – 45.60 CAD
Cuppa Geek – 56.95 USD
Tealish – 41.80 CAD
Westholme Tea – 108.80 CAD
52 teas – 96.00 USD
David’s tea – 48.08 CAD
Yunnan Sourcing – 190.89 USD
David’s Tea – 53.87 (incl teaware)
Yunnan Sourcing – 93.67 CAD
Total: 343.84 USD 432.54 CAD
2018: $740
2019: $848.36
2020: 796.40
I’m not sure what my tea goals are this year. Maybe utilize the spreadsheet I made for the teas in my cupboard to not forget those that have migrated to the back? Getting rid of the teas I don’t enjoy and maybe sending them off in a TTB?
January: $328.70 Total
$20 on Curtis tea, but I used an Amazon gift card so it wasn’t my money that I spent. :D
$4.99 at KP Market on Genmaicha.
$43.81 Arthur Dove
Mumbles $191.40 Theodor.
$55.50 Necessiteas
$13 T2
Feb: 0
March: $7.40 at a grocery store.
April: $100.10 Arthur Dove.
May: $8 Total
$5 on Genmaicha at the Korean market for the spouse. Not sure if tea for other people count or not.
$3 at another Korean market that had Curtis brand tea.
June: 0
July: 44.02 David’s
August: $68 Total
$33 on Mariage Freres at Market Hall
$35 for David’s fall sub box.
Sept: 0
Oct: $280.90 Total
$3 at a market for a box of Stassen.
$267.90 Mariage Freres. Whoops.
$10 David’s not counting the teaware.
Nov: $135.80 Total
$10 on Etsy
$40.10 Harney and Sons
$33.20 Friday Afternoon
$26.50 52teas
$26ish on Hella Tea
I’ve never given myself a tea budget. I tend to freak out when my cupboard gets too full and slow my spending. This year I’m going to try a budget to see if it helps me find a bit more balance. I’m giving myself $250 for the year.
Harney and Sons – $36.45
Premium Steap – $31.75
Sipsby (subscription) : $16
Sipsby Seasonal Tea Box: $ 10
Grand Total: $94.20
I don’t really know because I have not set a tea budget before, but the past few days I’ve been thinking maybe $600 CAD. I don’t have much to drink down this year; I just cut out coffee completely in favour of tea only; I’m starting to get serious about puer and aged white tea, so I want to do some wide sampling from W2T and YS. Also I live in Montreal so I want to continue my regular Camellia Sinensis shops. I might allow it to be a bit higher than $600. Something like $50+month baseline with a 3-4 $100-150 months for big online orders. OK so maybe $600-900.
I’ll play this year! I don’t have a budget, but I also don’t know how much I typically spend. I kind of go through phases where I buy a lot at once then don’t buy much at all for a while. Maybe this will help me decide how much to budget for next year.
2021 Total – $1,004.25 USD (WHOA)
January: ($91.97)
52Teas – $38.50
Zest Tea – $53.47
February: ($17.60)
Walden Farmacy – $17.60
March: ($370.84)
Gnat & Bee – $23.44
Yunnan Sourcing – $43.49
What-Cha – $39.86
Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea – $63.00
Bird & Blend Tea Co. – $89.00
Verdant Tea – $38.45
Simpson & Vail – $31.60
TeaVivre – $42.00
April: ($168.15)
Phoenix Pearl Tea – $51.75
The Brothers Apothecary – $16.50
Zest Tea – $99.90
May: Zero!
June: ($84.00)
Cedar Hill Homestead – $36.00
Plum Deluxe – $48.00
July: Zero!
August: Zero!
September: ($109.80)
teakruthi – $6.15
Zest Tea – $46.85
teakruthi – $56.80
October: Zero!
November: ($161.89)
Whispering Pines – $61.64
Tea Guys – $40.00
Épices de Cru – $60.25
December: Zero!
I’m similar Shae — I often buy more tea in the winter/cooler months, but drink a lot of ice coffee all summer XD.
I resisted playing for several years, but once I did it was really interesting to see how much I spent, when and with who.
I’m newly intrigued by Phoenix Pearl Tea! I can’t wait to read your notes about them.
I really like the two I bought, especially the chocolate chai. It is cardamom-heavy, which I love, though I know that’s not for everyone. They have a lot of other unique blends I’d like to try too at some point. I only have the two, but I’d be happy to send you some if you’d like. Or if we ever end up in another TTB together I’ll make sure to throw some in.
What is the other blend you tried? OH and I saw that they had a blend that sounded like your favorite Teavana – Strawberry you mentioned the other day.. their Fruits of Avalon dessert puerh? Probably not exact though!
No way! I must have missed that before, but I’m going now to look. The Xocolatl Chai is the one I was talking about above, but I also got Utopia which is a sweetened coconut matcha.
Okay, just looked and it’s strawberry cream puerh with chocolate & hazelnut. YUM!
I should not have gone to this Phoenix Pearl Tea website.. face palm So many delicious sounding teas… how did you discover this company Shae?
So, um, I’m a little embarrassed about that. I really wanted to have all the letters for the Ode to Tea challenge last month and was missing U and X, so I just searched the internet for a company that had U and X teas that I really liked and bought those…
It was just lucky for me because they turned out to be really good! XD
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