Geek Steep: Tea & Fandom Podcast! (Now in SEASON THREE!)

EDIT: Season Two update on page four and Season Three starts on page seven!

Hello Tea Friends!

As some of you are already aware from my tasting notes over the last few months, I’ve been working hard at putting together a new podcast with my close friend Marika!

I’m so excited to share that our podcast will officially be launching on September 24th – a week from today!!

I’ll include our full “About The Podcast” and “Meet The Geek” descriptions below for you all to read, because of course I don’t expect everyone to blindly listen to the podcast without knowing anything about it! Starting September 24th, we’ll be available to listen to every Thursday on iTunes, Amazon/Audible, Google Podcasts, and Spotify…

However, for all my lovely Steepster friends we have a special sneak peak of the the first episode currently available on Spotify that you can listen to right now! If the summary below makes you want to check us out, we would REALLY appreciate a follow, listen, and share – the more interaction that a podcast gets on the first 72 hours after it launches are CRUCIAL for it placing well in the algorithm and reaching more listeners!

We also have a trailer and a short introduction episode published as well to give you a sense of who we are and what we’re going to be doing – though of course lots of you already know me ;)

You can currently find us on…





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About The Podcast:

To explore strange new fandoms and seek out new teas!

Tea and fandoms have been narrowly intertwined obsessions for many years, with tea companies catering to fans of all creeds, and those same fans sitting down with their favourite comforting cuppa while watching, reading or listening to their latest geeky obsessions. Geek Steep, through sipping this beloved beverage, is a continued exploration of the fun that can be had when the two worlds of tea and fandom collide.

In 2018, Kelly and Marika first connected over their profound and mutual love of tea and all things geeky. Both have worked in the tea industry for many years and in many different facets, having easily tasted thousands of teas between the two of them. Through their own journeys, they have continuously shared this love of tea with friends, family, customers, and a collective of fellow online tea enthusiasts.

Over a cup of tea, they have spent countless hours dissecting the genius of Buffy, nitpicking the latest Marvel movie, and curiously analyzing each other’s divergent taste in comic books. They believe the universe of tea is its own fandom that contains countless flavours and types of tea that can transport you to limitless unexplored places and worlds with each and every steep.

Through Geek Steep; Marika & Kelly share their thoughts on whether Star Trek is best enjoyed over a gong fu session of finely aged sheng pu’erh, how a pitcher of cold brewed dancong can actually breathe life into the frosty far north of Westeros, and if a soothing cup of chamomile will enhance the ethereal quality of a Studio Ghibli movie.

Just like tea, they believe all forms of fandom are valid and worth exploring and they invite you to join them as they discuss their overlapping obsessions, share their favourite unexplored fandoms with one another, and get geeky with new topics together for the first time – all while attempting to answer the question:

Is this fandom a good steep?

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Get To Know Your Geeks!


Marika has been a Trekkie since birth. Quite literally. Her father used Star Trek to calm her down when she would wake in the middle of the night as a baby, and she has been obsessed ever since. Throughout High School, reading the works of Asimov, Dick and Heinlein became her daily habit on her commute and the adventures of Tintin, the X-Men and the Rebel Alliance were always there for her after a long day at school. Having grown up drinking tea of all sorts, and moving to China after university to start her own tea company, there has always been a good cuppa within reach to go with her latest fandom obsession. Some of her favourite fandoms include: Star Trek, Ghostbusters, MCU, Battlestar Galactica, X-Files, Red Dwarf, Galaxy Quest and Doctor Who.


Kelly’s first serious fandom was Pokemon, introduced through a weekend cable TV marathon of the animated series and then expanded upon through her first copy of Pokemon Silver at the age of seven. However, her earliest fandom memories include watching the 1994 Spiderman animated series while homesick from school & cheering her Dad on while he played Sonic The Hedgehog on Sega Genesis. A serial binge watcher, most evenings and weekends you can find Kelly sipping on one of the nearly a thousand teas in her tea stash and getting acquainted with a new fandom. Some of her favourite fandoms include; Buffy The Vampire Slayer, SAGA, The Runaways, Ms. Marvel, Princess Jellyfish, Homestuck, and nearly all things Spiderman!

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Leafhopper said

Congratulations! I don’t have Spotify, but look forward to listening to your podcast when it comes out on other platforms.

Thanks Leafhopper!! We look forward to sharing with you then! :)

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Arby said

I’ll be subscribing for sure. Congrats you two!

Thanks Arby! We’re super proud of what we’ve put together :)

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mrmopar said

I am in for the website! Tell Marika, Battlefield Earth. Much more interesting than the movie and only 1300 or so pages. Good read. Congrats to you all!

I will absolutely pass it along! :)

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Congrats on the podcast! Oddly enough, I have memories of my dad playing Sonic the Hedgehog too, and that was probably the only video game I think he played for some reason. :D

What a crazy coincidence!! Yeah, I definitely don’t remember my dad ever really getting into any other video games. I guess, as a teenager, I did convince him to get into the Pokemon games – though I think the only one he ever played all the way through was Diamond.

Yep, Dads love Sonic I guess. haha

Dustin said

I just got into a debate with a neighbor friend over if Tails was a nickname or a proper name for Sonic’s sidekick. I was right, his name is Miles “Tails” as a nickname and then some last name I don’t recall! Now if I could only remember that I left the stove on….

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Awesome idea! Good luck keeping it alive. I am also glad I can listen to it without the Spotify :).
I would ask you, as not native speaker, can you both bit slow down (especially Marika) while speaking? I can’t really get everything right, especially when I don’t have transcript with me. Thanks in advance.

I wish you good luck and I can’t wait for more episodes!

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LuckyMe said

Congrats on the Podcast! I don’t read comics much anymore (now it’s Marvel movies and the like ) but I’ve remained a lifelong fan of Spider-man, Batman, X-Men, and all the other Marvel & DC superheros I loved growing up.

Following you on Spotify and looking forward to the first episode!

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Inkling said

Thanks so much for sharing the Spotify link! I’ve been following your Instagram account and eagerly waiting for the first episode and it was so fun to get to listen early. :) Buffy is not my personal cup of tea, but the dynamics between you and Marika still made this such a fun listen. Looking forward to future episodes!

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Just followed on Spotify! Very much looking forward to listening, especially seeing that Buffy is the first focus!

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