drank Terrific Toffee by T2
63 tasting notes

Sunday mornings are busy with getting the family ready for church, but tea is still a necessity. This was one of the teas that started me on the tea lover’s path. Made with milk and honey, it’s just a sweet, easy, no-thinking-required tea. But it’s actually been two or three weeks since I’ve had this one because I’ve been so involved with sampling new teas, primarily premium “straight” teas. So, sadly, this feels thin today. I’m enjoying it enough, but I suppose I can expect my senses to develop like this so that I kind of “grow out of” some of these teas. That definitely doesn’t mean that I won’t make it again. I could never discount a tea, especially an old favourite, because it just didn’t stand up on a single occasion!

Edited to add: Ok, it has been a little bit of time since I last made this. I obviously forgot how little milk I used to add. Fixed that on this last cup. Much better, can taste the tea more now, and back to not having to think about it. The way a Sunday morning should be.

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I’m an American-Australian living in Sydney with my Aussie husband, very active toddler girl and bouncing baby boy. I need tea to get me just to Lil’ Man’s morning nap, let alone the rest of the day. I’m a newbie to the world of pure teas (and loving every sip of it!), having delighted in flavored teas and blends for years. The hardest part seems to be getting the teas to Australia without exorbitant shipping costs.


Sydney, Australia



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