I’m suffering from a bad cold that’s left me with a very sore throat and virtually no voice. So while I’m sure there are teas in my cupboard better for “curing what ails” me, I just want something that feels like a treat. I do think I chose well. This is my second time with this tea since my mom sent my Adagio order from the US. At first you feel juicy blackberries bursting on your tongue, then a smooth wave of vanilla and cream rounds it out as the blackberries linger. On a day when I feel less the need to spoil myself, I may go without a little raw sugar and spot of milk, but not today. This hits the spot and I’m already starting to feel a little more like myself.

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I’m an American-Australian living in Sydney with my Aussie husband, very active toddler girl and bouncing baby boy. I need tea to get me just to Lil’ Man’s morning nap, let alone the rest of the day. I’m a newbie to the world of pure teas (and loving every sip of it!), having delighted in flavored teas and blends for years. The hardest part seems to be getting the teas to Australia without exorbitant shipping costs.


Sydney, Australia



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