Wow, first note for this tea! The pressure, it’s so intense.
This was the first tea I tried after I got my Just Organic kickstarter teas. I have to admit that out of all their blends, this is the one I was looking forward to most, because I’m a sucker for spearmint.
I’m really going to have to try brewing this again, though, as the flavour from my first attempt at making it tastes somewhat… off, somehow. Sipping the tea was fine, as I tasted mint and a fairly non-descript green tea in the background. However, if I chugged a lot of tea at once, I got this weird taste hovering in the background I couldn’t figure out.
I’ve noticed that if I oversteep peppermint, there’s sometimes a really harsh chemical taste, so I’m wondering if that’s what’s going on here with the spearmint. Anyways, more experimentation is needed.
I’ve got some of this, too, that I haven’t yet tried. Soon.