I’m holding off on a rating right now until I try changing some of the steep parameters around, but I will say this: it smells amazing.
I could just inhale the scent of the dry leaf all day, with that delicate balance of rose and apple.
That said, I think I may have oversteeped this slightly. The tea smells and tastes very heavily of rose, when I really want to taste more of the apple. I didn’t add any sweetener either. In any event, I’m feeling strongly positive about this tea, but I’m going to wait until I steep it again with some sugar or honey to see how that works.
EDIT: Looking over Ashmanra’s notes about this tea, it appears that the apple flavour will come out more at a 4-minute steep, so it looks like I under steeped it. Will definitely remember that.
This has got to be wonderful iced, don’t you think?
I only have a sample size, so I’m not sure if I’ll have enough to try it iced. But maybe…
Yeah, my sample of the same was very tiny.