And now my final purchase from the Toronto Tea Festival!
I’m going to be straight up front and say that I have almost no experience with oolong teas. I know that they can withstand a lot more infusions than other types of tea, and that they have a nice roasty flavour, but that’s about it. But trying this tea has been quite the conversion experience!
Packaging/Instructions: This tea came in a plain paper bag resealable with one of those flexible metal bars. The label just said the name of the tea, the name of the company, and the company’s phone number. It does NOT include any instructions about how much leaf to use or how long to steep it for, or the water temperature, so I guessed using reviews written here about similar Oolongs.
Dry leaf: the leaves are dark green/brown, spindly, and curled up like an arthritic hand (yes, that’s how poetic this tea made me feel). The smell of this tea is absolutely lovely – the roastedness of the oolong complements the coconut, and the whole thing smells really round and fresh. There’s even a hint of vanilla scent in the dry leaf. Unfortunately, the bag doesn’t contain any information about the ingredients or the varietal of oolong tea, so your guess is as good as mine about what’s inside. I didn’t see any dried coconut chunks, though.
1st infusion: The brewed tea smells more oolong-y and less coconutty than the dried leaf. However, it is still quite pleasant. The liquor when poured out is a light gold. The taste is light and unassuming at first, but don’t be fooled: there’s a long, lingering aftertaste of coconut, which I like. I added a bit of honey to the cup to amp things up, but I’ll have to see what it’s like when adding some almond milk.
Long story short: I think I’ve converted! Consider me a fan of oolong! I’m really looking forward to how the taste changes over successive infusions.
Flavors: Coconut, Vanilla