drank Duck Shhh Oolong by white2tea
107 tasting notes

I’m taking a break from my Rediscovering Sheng Summer Tour to revisit my old friend the Black Dragon. Except this is a new kind of old friend, because this is my first Dancong. Got a sample of this from Oolong Owl. 5 grams into my gaiwan, 190 degrees, 30 second infusions up to a minute. Love it! Fruity and slightly toasty deliciousness with a lingering floral aftertaste. What fruit it is, I have no idea. Not at all Shhhy in flavor nor aroma. I just know I like it. Must try other Dancongs now.

Stephanie 10 years ago


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Stephanie 10 years ago


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For many years I drank cheap asian market-bought oolongs because I really didn’t know what was out there. For the last year or so I’ve been educating myself and making a foray into better quality teas. During the course of my journey I have fallen hard down the puerh rabbit hole – it started with young sheng, but now there’s another even deeper hole in the aged category, and I may be careening down this particular rabbit hole forever. I do still find time for aged oolong, a good wuyi yancha, and the occasional aged white.

I stopped rating teas awhile ago. I guess the numbers stopping meaning anything after awhile. For a long time I was pretty good about keeping my cupboard up to date and reviewing teas, mostly to help me keep track and remember what I like. I’ve gotten lazy about that for the last several months.

The tea addiction has also spawned a new addiction to throwing pottery, and I have become mildly obsessed with making tea cups, shibos, and teapots.


Southestern USA

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