Followed by 6 Tea Drinkers

Rasseru 273 followers

Artist, electronic musician, photographer, asian food, vinyasa yoga, chemistr...

52Teas 190 followers

52Teas offers you high-quality, hand-crafted, small batch artisan tea blends ...

eastkyteaguy 215 followers

My grading criteria for tea is as follows: 90-100: Exceptional. I love this s...

Arby 161 followers

I am a biochem major hoping for a career in research genetics and evolutionar...

Audrey 20 followers

Mom of 5, grandma of 2 (how did that happen?), reader, outdoor lover, knitter...



Life is story, dreams, and tea.

As a mixture of Chinese and Southern American, I was probably destined to love tea, though it wasn’t until 2002 that I became voraciously obsessed with loose leaf and exploring the glorious infinite tea realms. I consider myself a carrier of Tea Adoration Syndrome more than a tea snob, and will happily consume virtually any tea prepared with respect for what it most wants to be.

I enjoy tea both flavored and unflavored, blended or unblended, with milk or without, respectfully sweetened or without sweetener, hot or cold, bubble or not — it all depends on the tea. At the moment, I mostly prepare single servings, Western style, often but not always with milk, though in the near future I plan on restarting my long-abandoned gongfu habit.

Absolute favorite teas to date: creamy oolongs, rose black, Earl Grey creme, super-malty full-bodied Assams

No affiliation with the company Crimson Lotus Tea, BTW. ;)

And for the curious, a few non-tea things about me: I’m currently a fiber artist; my degree is in anthropology; I have a certificate in web design and a few years of classical music training; and my resume makes it look like I know something about writing and editing. My favorite instruments are probably guzheng, electric guitar, and duduk. I’m interested in life, the universe, and everything. I almost majored in environmental science and physics, but a string of bad math teachers led me into burnout mode and I really ought to have taken pre-calc before calculus. ;) My online persona is infested with emoticons. I love old things and new things, and I’m better at extremes than at middles of any kind. Randomness is awesomely delightful, so feel free to drop me a randomness-filled line.

(Profile picture created from the photo “Red Lotus, Guinsa Temple” © 2005 Peter Garnhum, <>. Used under a Creative Commons license.)

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