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The dry leaves on this particular tea can be quite wide and flattened to thin and twisted. I brewed 185°F for five minutes. The liquor was quite dark brown-orange. It had a slightly grassy aroma as well as a mild woodsy scent and a really fruity taste, although it tasted very similar to a run of the mill Russian Caravan tea, but it lacked the smoky Lapsang Souchong taste. There was a moderate tobacco taste edge to this tea that lingered.

If this tea was sold individually I probably would not buy this particular tea, I don’t particularly like teas that taste like tobacco. Although this is a nice tea that straddles the line between oolong and black, you may enjoy it.

(Photos at http://rah-tea.blogspot.com/2014/10/what-chas-discover-russia-premium-non.html)

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Smell of the dry leaf is a deep assam kinda of tea. Brewed, it smells sharper and brighter, like a ceylon. I know I do a lot of my notes in terms of other teas, but I’m better at comparing, I guess. The package suggested five minutes, but I did four on account of snooping the few existing tea blogs that reviewed russian teas and hearing about it being pretty strong.

Wow, this is surprisingly vegetal. The brew is amber, but the taste is light, spinach, no bitterness or astringency that I can find. The taste makes me reconsider my initial thought on the smell. There’s still ceylon there—spinach with honey. Will have to try the full five minutes in the future.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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drank Nepal 1st Flush White by What-Cha
1719 tasting notes

The leaf is intact and looks very dry and brittle. The silvery buds are neatly furry. Once water hits it, this becomes nicely aromatic, fresh, and green. It filled my little press carafe with hanging leaf. The brew is a golden color and very clear.

The taste can’t be compared to Chinese white peony or especially silver needle. Rather than melon and cucumber, this is woodsy and fruity. It has more in common with Darjeeling or obviously Nepali black tea than it does the aforementioned whites.

Being a white tea it is much more subtle than a black, so even that comparison fails. It struck me as crisp, clean, with a light mineral feel. No bitterness, but a little dryness.

Cup two was a warmer cup. Less mineral. Slightly sweeter. To me it edged on mushroom while hot, then turning more fruity as it cooled.

This is listed as an everyday white. It certainly works very well for everyday, with enough complexity to amuse you when you want to contemplate the cup.

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I like for my first tea of the day to be an unflavored black. So as I reached into my unflavored black stash, I started to think about how lucky I am that I have SO MANY great teas to choose from. I have you guys to thank for that, because when I started my tea journey, I thought bad tea was good tea. But through the magic of Steepster people and traveling tea boxes, I have learned the difference between “trash” tea and the good stuff. I’m sure there is still more of that journey to be had, but today I was just getting the feels.

So anyway, this tea. I picked it mainly because yesterday I had a Chinese golden tip, and right next to it was this Ceylon golden tip, and I thought the first one was fresh enough in my mind that I could compare then well.

There is fairy dust here, and the tea smells great. It looks different though, this is more the little crescents that i have seen most in white teas (this is a black though) versus the twisty spider leg type of black that I expected, so that was interesting. The leaf is a bit lighter in color as well. One thing that surprised me is that the package suggested 185 as the temperature. Hmm…. well, Alistair knows best so I went with that.

My first sip seemed really low on flavor. But I think that is because I was expecting something huge and bold. The next sip, I found all of the flavors I was looking for. Malty, sweet, black, Yunnan-y. Beautifully smooth and understated, not a tiny bit bitter or astringent. Instead of a tea that knocks you over, this is a tea that waits quietly for you to turn around and notice it. But, I did notice it and it was great!


frack. I really need to place an order with these guys..


You and me both, Sil.

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The biggest issue with this tea is that I can’t remember the name to save my life. Ok, maybe that’s an issue with ME, which makes this tea AWESOME.

I blame Cheri, because I opened my previously sealed package of this so I could send her a sample, then I spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about how good it smelled. Now I have had it for every cup since.

It’s a total fairy dust tea, you know that brown Yunnan dust? What is that anyway? Oh right, it’s tea crack. Right.

Malty, hearty, hug in a cup. You should buy this NAO. It does make my husband look at me funny because I say, “MMMMM” after every drink.


Ugh… I am trying so hard not to place an order, but you people are making it so difficult.


It’s all my fault, and I’m a-okay with that.


oh man… another reason to place an order…


You also want the Nepal golden tips.


Lol :) Love this note!


I agree. this tea smelled awesome dry. Tastes even better.

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I have a confession that some of my friends back in Kansas City are going to hate me for, I really don’t like their BBQ, sorry guys! I grew up in the South on delicious Southern style BBQ, and then I left and have not had any for almost fifteen years. Until today. I had BBQ so good that I actually cried, no lie, I sat at the table eating my food while crying. I tolerated other types of BBQ because I craved it, but really, in my book nothing compares to it. So that is my confession, I hope I don’t make too many enemies!

Travel has taken a toll on my perception of time, so What-Cha Wednesday is on a Thursday this week, and the particular tea has an autumnal flair, Darjeeling Autumn Flush 2013 Jungpana Black Tea, which is perfect for this time if year. There is something about Darjeeling teas and autumn that go perfectly together, doubly so if it is an autumn flush. The aroma of the dry leaves is sweet and muscatel, it reminds me a little of white wine and scuppernongs, with a rich undertone of sweet potatoes and roasted peanuts. I think spending time in the South is having an effect on my nose, those are such Southern foods! Regardless of my nose’s current influence, the smells is quite good and of course sweet.

Brewing the leaves seems to make the aroma even richer, very sweet and immensely rich, it has a real depth to it with notes of muscatel, molasses, sweet potatoes, and a tiny hint of distant flowers. The liquid is still sweet and rich, but it has a lightness where the leaves had depth. There are notes of sweet potatoes and scuppernongs with a finish of chocolate and flowers.

This is a Darjeeling to sip while lounging somewhere you can peacefully contemplate something, be it the tea you are sipping or your surroundings, or just the glories of cheese. It has that feeling when you sip it, the tea is a perfect companion for getting lost in thought because its journey through flavor notes is gentle. It starts with a rich molasses and sweet potato, after this the flavor turns light and sweet with a distinct note of golden raises and honey. The end has a cooling effect and a hint of loam with honey sweetness. Surprisingly I gave the rest of my sample to a friend who wanted more experience with Darjeeling, even though I wanted it all for myself I knew it was the perfect Darjeeling to use as either an introductory tea or one to get more experience with. My reasoning for this is it has the distinct notes associated with an Autumn Flush Darjeeling while having a reasonable price and very clear flavor notes. It is also good for experienced sippers because yum.

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2014/10/what-cha-darjeeling-autumn-flush-2013.html

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The dry leaf is long and twisty and black.

I gave this tea two quick rinses in 96C water then poured off my first steep immediately.

The steeped leaf smells intense! Roasted, minerals, almost an acrid smell of burning wet wood (oak?), and something that makes me think of decay on the forest floor. it’s a bit overwhelming and I’m not sure I like it.

The liquor is a deep orange brown, very clear and smells like a very toned down version of the leaf. It has a lot of body and a silky mouth feel. The taste is intense and rich – roasty, cooked overripe fruit, maybe even mushrooms and smoked wood. There’s a strong grassy note that develops at the end of a long finish.

Steep 2, 4 seconds. This steep is both more mild and more intense. That acrid smoking wood note has moved to the palate, though I’m kind of enjoying it here. Intense minerality. An interesting numbing, almost tongue-coating sensation that reminds me of puerh. The finish has turned more citrus – orange peel I think.

Steep 3, 8 seconds. The burning wet oak note is pretty strong in this steep. Stewed plums, minerals, wood, decay, and then a hint of cooling eucalyptus at the finish. The mouth feel is very thick and silky.

Steep 4, 10 seconds. More stewed plums, minerals, and burning wet oak. Still acrid but the smell is growing on me.

Steep 5, 12ish? seconds. More fruity notes are coming to the forefront. The steeped leaves have developed a burnt caramel note which is nice.

Steep 6, 20 seconds. Plums, caramel, more burning wet oak.

This is some wild tea. It’s got a kick to it that’s unlike anything I’ve had before and from what I recall, substantially different from the other Da Hong Pao I’ve tried. I’m both put off by the smell and strongly drawn to it. I wasn’t sure I liked this at first but I feel like I could steep these leaves all day long.

This feels pretty mellowing – drinking this has been quite relaxing.

Lots of mixed feelings about this tea, but I think on balance it’s pretty amazing for the complexity. I think that this is definitely worth trying, even though I suspect a lot of people wouldn’t particularly like it.

Flavors: Burnt, Caramel, Decayed Wood, Eucalyptus, Grass, Mineral, Mushrooms, Orange Zest, Plum, Roasted, Stewed Fruits, Wet Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 2 tsp 3 OZ / 88 ML

Great review ! My first try of DHP I hated it. Now, when I tried a few I absolutely adore Wuyi oolongs, not just DHP. I prefer 195F and very short steeps.


Yes I agree with Boychik, you have to learn to like Wuyi oolongs.


I’ve had the Da Hong Pao from Verdant and it was very, very different from this – much less of an acquired taste kind of tea.

I definitely need to explore more Wuyi oolongs :)

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drank Nepal 2nd Flush Sencha by What-Cha
894 tasting notes

For some reason this was in my untrieds box, but I have tried it before. A lovely sweet sencha. Not extremely noteworthy, but delicious.

Flavors: Grass, Sweet

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Nepal 2nd Flush Sencha by What-Cha
894 tasting notes

What-cha is having a 20% off sale, and so far I’ve quite enjoyed everything from my last order, so it’s time to try out the last couple of things and see what needs restocking.

The dry leave is dark green and quite twisted and needle-like. The fragrance is quite mild.

Steeped 1tsp in 76C water for 1.5 minutes. The steeped leaf and liquor smell amazing. Butter, roasted nuts and seaweed. On the palate, there’s a bit of a tang, some seaweed and a hint of the roasted nut flavour at the back of the mouth. There’s a light grassiness that builds through the finish, and a faint floral note.

Nice cold as well. I had to run out in the middle of this cup for lunch plans that I completely forgot about.

The second steep, again for 1.5 min, is pretty much the same as the first.

I’m not sure I would stock up on this, but it’s about a bajillion times better than the sencha I had from DAVIDs recently.

Flavors: Butter, Floral, Grass, Roast Nuts, Seaweed, Tangy

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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What a cool and interesting tea! Had I not read it was a Kenya white, I would have believed it was a Yunnan Dian Hong. The leaf is absolutely spectacular. The nose is caramel and malt with a scent that reminds me of corn growing in the field. The first cup is all malt and caramel deliciousness. In the second cup the malt steps way back with the caramel right in front. The corn type grain moves front and center. The aftertaste which was malt and caramel, now has a floral air that is not over the top. It is pleasant. I cannot associate it with a know scent but definitely floral. This is worthy of your investigation if you were planning an order while the sale is going on. Almost everything from What-Cha has been excellent.


Ah, this sounds like Butiki’s White Rhino! Nice to know something similar exists at another shop!


Then I would have loved White Rhino!


Thanks again for another great review and for the sale plug.

Looking through Butiki’s Kenyan teas, I would guess we have the supplier


That sounds really excellent!


This sounds amazing! I’m going to have to add some into my next order.

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Alistair of What-Cha sent me a sample of his Darjeeling First Flush 2014 Rohini Emerald Green Tea with my recent order knowing of my last disastrous attempt at Indian green teas this year. Generally I don’t care for Indian green teas, I feel they overbrew to easily and become bitter; drinking Indian greens makes me feel like that particular type of tea novice who likes all teas except greens because they had a bad experience with them. I like to think that I am not prejudiced against Indian greens, but I do know that I can be overly critical of them. So take anything I say about this with a grain of salt.

The dry leaves are not particularly interesting; there is a lot of variation in the shapes, size and color of the leaves although this is fairly common in Indian greens. Generally I prefer tea that has a uniform shape and size so I always cringe a little when I see Indian greens.

For my first infusion I brewed at 176°F for two minutes. Even before it was done, I could smell the hay aroma. It had a very pure grassy taste, there was a little fruit notes, something like unripened apricot. It almost had an umami taste, but not exactly.

For my second infusion I brewed at 180°F for two and half minutes. This time it had a stronger wet straw scent, although I could still get whiffs of hay. As for taste, it still was grassy, but not as pure; this time it had a slightly ripper (but still unripe) apricot taste.

I decided against doing a third infusion, I didn’t feel it had much more to offer and in my experience Indian greens don’t make it past the second stepping. It wasn’t a bad green tea, but it definitely benefits of adding some form of sweetener to it. While I didn’t use anything in my tea, this teapot easily serves two, so I served the extra cup to my guest who happened to add a little honey to hers, and hers tasted considerably better.

I don’t think I would try this again, I much prefer second flush Indian greens, the muscatel taste in later harvests make Indian greens so much more interesting than first flushes. I don’t think this is a bad tea, just not one for me. I am not a fan of ratings, but if I had to give it a score I’d probably place it somewhere between seven and eight (out of ten).

(Photos at http://rah-tea.blogspot.com/2014/10/what-chas-darjeeling-1st-flush-2014.html)

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We’re a funny bunch on Steepster…..we love strange and unusual teas with unusual flavors…complicated teas with secret histories….there is such mystery in the flavors that are unlocked in our cup that we go on mental journeys with our palate…sometimes quiet contemplative journeys, sometimes raucous wild rides. But we travel…. These days
I love to “cup” travel to Assam. I love the subtle simplicity of the notes in a cup of Assam loveliness. Not many on Steepster travel to this region to fill their cup, but I’m a frequent flyer these days….and this 2nd flush Assam sourced from Heritage Tea Plantation is exactly the reason why I fill my cup with Assams so often.

The dry leaves are long and dark with just a few light golden tips interspersed. The smell of these dry leaves is vibrantly malty with a touch of cooked stone fruit. Wet, the leaves are whole and broken, but much larger than those found in many Assams. The coppery infusion is deliciously and straightforwardly malty and incredibly smooth. There is little astringency here when steeped at 3 minutes, just a lovely round mouthfeel and medium body that leave the taste of wonderful malt in your mouth. the stone fruit note is still present, but what is most noticeable is the smooooooooth……

The differences between Assams isn’t as pronounced as the differences between, say, Keemuns or Darjeelings….but it is there. What-Cha has offered a wonderful assam for any tea drinker who would like a wonderful example of what a tea from this region can be….and IS. Recommended.

Flavors: Malt, Stonefruit

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Nice review! :)


Nicole got me to explore Assam a bit more. donkeytiara what is your favorite assam so far?


Sorry TeaTiff, I just saw this! I think this is a good Assam…there are other well thought of estates that produce nice assams like Mangalam and Halmari. The flavor profiles are pretty similar, but there are subtle differences. There is an assam from NE India that adds a nice floral aspect to the mix (from tea box) but it’s cheating because it’s not actually from assam. :)

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Thank you for the sample cookies!! :)

This is sooooo delicious and malty! It’s got that smooth sweet potato Fujian thing going on. VERY nice black tea.

It is pairing very nicely with my apple butter, yogurt and pecan granola parfait for breakfast :)

Terri HarpLady

mmmm, breakfast parfait….


That sounds like a YUMMY parfait.

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Cannon Ball! Love the name. Some of the balls are monstrous (I wanted to spell it monsterous but spellcheck said that is not a word – should be). Some of the balls are only the size of average oolong nuggets. The dry scent I got I have not seen in any other review. It was bread and honey, kind of malt with sweet hay. Thought maybe I didn’t get the press thoroughly clean but the pouch had the same awesomeness.

The first cup was crisp, vegetal, and savory. Dryness builds as the cup cools. It had a bite that was the good bitter. The aftertaste had a citrus note that to me wasn’t obvious at first.

The second cup I used less water – 8 oz with the same leaf (the first was a 10 oz mug using 7 balls). The scent is highly lemony. I did not notice the dryness, but because of the amount of leaf and the 2 1/2 minute steep, the bitterness was kind of intense. I added a little sweetener and it balanced right out. Now it tastes very nutty. The sweetener made the citrus really pop and there is a good dose of grassy vegetal late in the sip that along with some floral notes drift right into a healthy citrus aftertaste.

I don’t have time for a third cup at the moment but according to the review on SoriTEA Sisters it will be the best cup yet. I hope to find out for myself later.

Unique and worth a try.

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The dry leaves are a remarkably bright shade of green for a Long Jing, the leaves are a little broken up, but I most note that the box that my What-Cha order was shipped in was really banged up; even my postman apologized for the shape of it. I haven’t encountered any of What-Cha’s teas being that broken up, so I am confident saying this happened when it was in transit. There is a little yellow on some of the leaves as well; the most notable part of this tea is the scent. It has a really intense Chocolate-Mint aroma, not chocolate and mint, or chocolate mints, but the chocolate-mint plant; this was quite interesting, I don’t think I have ever encountered a Dragon Well with dry leaves that smell like mint. Already I knew this was going to be a really interesting tea, although I should have known it was going to be interesting when it said “What-Cha” on the label.

For my first steeping I brewed at 176°F for two minutes. I was greeted with a nutty aroma, I was a little disappointed that it didn’t have the chocolate-mint aroma from the dry leaves, but I won’t hold that against this tea. This tea had a very dominant nutty taste, think lightly roasted nuts, but there also was a green bean undertone to it that was quite lovely. The liquor was very light, although if I used a white cup rather than a clear glass cup it might have been easier to see.

For my next infusion I brewed at 185°F for three minutes. While it still had a nutty aroma, this time I could also distinguish some vegetal notes to it, a little bamboo and peas. The taste was similar to the last, but less roasted nuts and a new wet wood taste that lingered. The liquor was still light, but I think I enjoyed this infusion more than the last; it’s not often that I taste a wood element in a Long Jing.

For my third and final infusion I brewed at 190°F for four minutes. The aroma was very weak at this point; I could only get the nutty scent this time. The strongest flavor this time was peas, and then a very generic nutty taste.

This was quite an interesting Long Jing, if What-Cha stocks the 2015 spring harvest, I’d buy again, I am interested if the grower and roaster can duplicate the chocolate-mint aroma the dry leaves had. I don’t think What-Cha mentioned what Tea Estate this tea came from, but I wonder what side of the West Lake it is situated, although in the title it says it is wild growing which leads me to believe it may have been in one of the mountains as it doesn’t taste like Dragon Wells grown in some of the more polluted areas of Zhejiang and that it is wild growing makes me think it comes from a more affluent tea growing areas (of Zhejiang). Overall it was a very good tea that I am looking forward to having again.

(Pictures are on my blog http://rah-tea.blogspot.com/2014/10/what-chas-zhejiang-wild-growing-dragon.html)

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Very buttery and sweet to the nose when dry. Slight seaweed notes when smelling the wet leaves. The brewed tea liquor was straw yellow. The unfurled leaves were whole, not CTC.

A very pleasant velvety seaweed/vegetable notes. I fully enjoyed it and wish I had more than 10 grams to try (I had to share it — only was able to enjoy 8oz of it).

Flavors: Butterscotch, Seaweed, Vegetal

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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So, I totally missed last night’s eclipse, boo! I woke up at an obnoxious hour to look at it and it was cloudy, or I was too out of it to find the moon, that is always a possibility when I stumble out of bed. Then when I went back to sleep I dreamed about the eclipse, so maybe I did see it after all. This eclipse was particularly awesome because it was on my Grandmother’s birthday, how awesome is that? I hope I get an eclipse on my birthday some year, but I also hope for a blizzard too, and thunderstorms…I don’t ask the weather for much.

Today’s tea from What-Cha might win the award for the most unique terroir I have experienced! Azores ‘Encosta de Bruma’ Premium Green Tea is, as the name says, from the Azores and is from the oldest European tea estate, the Gorreana Tea Estate. They have been producing tea since 1883, they have been pesticide free for 130 years, that is some old school organic practices! The thing that infuriates me is none of my tea history books mention this tea estate, or if they did it was so brief that I forgot about it, tsk tsk, I was not even aware that the Azores produced tea, so being able to be educated about a new tea producing region makes this tea extra special to me. The aroma of the green leaves is gentle, with initial notes of fruit and vegetal. This transitions to sea air and a touch of tomato leaves. I would say that the aroma is both interesting and non-assuming, so it is not like getting hit in the face by a wave or sitting in a pile of fruit. It balances its sweet and savory notes quite well.

I decided to steep this tea Western Style, as it fitting for a European tea. The steeped leaves are still quite gentle with their aroma, it is savory too, with notes of tomato leaf, a bit of tomato, and a nice pinch of sea air. I think it is safe to say that these leaves have some serious umami going on. Which is a total contrast to the liquid! Its aroma is a great blend of fruity notes, specifically apricots and a bit of orange, along with fresh tomato. I will be honest, I had to do a double take sniff, because it caught me a bit off guard. It is a strange aroma, but not an unpleasant one, it reminds me a bit of a salad.

The taste is delightfully mild, sometimes you want a tea with a bold in your face taste, other times you want a tea that is mild and delicate, this is definitely that tea. It starts out fairly savory with notes of sea air and tomato leaf, this slowly transitions to sweetness until it is like taking a full bite out of a fresh apricot. Drinking this tea reminded me of standing on a sea side cliff in Maine while eating an apricot, the refreshing sea air and lush vegetation with fruity sweetness make for a very refreshing cup. I could certainly see myself reaching for a cup of this tea when I have a headache and I want a light, refreshing, tea with very clear and crisp flavors that do not overwhelm.

For photos and blog: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2014/10/what-cha-azores-encosta-de-bruma.html

Flavors: Apricot, Fruity, Ocean Air, Vegetal

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I’ve been looking forward to trying What-Cha’s Nepal Monsoon Flush 2014 Pearl Oolong Tea since it was added to the site. The dry leaves are rather large even compared to the already large Nepal 2nd Flush 2014 Cannon Ball Green Tea and the smaller Nepal 2nd Flush 2014 Dew Drops Green Tea. Like the Dew Drops and Cannon Ball, this tea has a rather strange shape and is wonderful to watch as it slowly opens up. I am not sure if I would describe this tea as Lovecraftian, but if Cthulhu drank tea I wouldn’t have trouble imagining him drinking this particular one. As this tea opens up it transform from large tea pearl to embryo-like monstrosity insect emerging from a cocoon.

I began with a short ten second rinse with boiling water, then for my first infusion I brewed at 176°F for thirty seconds. Their was a peppery aroma and hints of a very dry wine. It had a very light apricot taste, that seems to be common in many teas from Nepal, as well as cherries.

For the second infusion I brewed at 185°F for forty five seconds. The aroma changed slightly this time, while pepper and sweet dry wine was still there, the wine scent became more prominent and the pepper scent became murky. This time I tasted a strong muscatel, and sweeter apricot.

In subsequent infusions I added five degrees and ten seconds each time, while the liquor became considerably darker around the five infusion, the aroma disappeared in the third. This tea kept getting sweeter and sweeter as I went on. Because I was so fond of this tea, I almost immediately (okay three hours later) brewed it again. I brewed it at 176°F for four minutes and was meet with slightly different results.

This time the liquor was a beautiful dirty golden color. While it still had an apricot taste, it was riper and generally more enjoyable. It also had a slight tart cherry undertone and a completely new hay taste. The aroma was a little hard to recognized, there was a little murky white wine smell to it, as well as a something similar to wet stone.

I rather enjoyed this tea, I think I prefer longer steeps on this tea while not as complex as either the Cannon Ball or Dew Drops it certainly warrants trying. I still have a large amount of What-cha teas to look at.

(Want to see my amazing photography skills? http://rah-tea.blogspot.com/2014/09/what-chas-nepal-monsoon-flush-2014.html)

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Today I was really in the mood for a smokey green tea and I felt like trying What-Cha’s Yunnan Graceful Purple Zi Juan tea, although I mistakenly grabbed the Zhejiang Purple Bamboo Shoot ‘Zi Sun Cha’ Green Tea package without realizing it (and even when I brewed the tea I completely ignored the name on the bag). So I was a little confused during my tasting when I thought I was brewing a purple tea. I didn’t realize my mistake until I brewed it a second time and looked at the bag.

I tried to do a gongfu session with this tea, but the liquor was very light so I decided to skip that and go straight into western brewing. I know the liquor color is not always indicative of the brewed tea, but I decided to be vain and judge the tea by its appearance.

For my first infusion I used water at 176°F for three minutes. I couldn’t really discern an aroma while the aroma of the dry leaves was very intense (spinach, mushroom and spinach). The liquor was very light I tasted a very dry hay taste and slight nutty undertones.

For my second infusion I brewed at 180°F for four minutes. This time I was getting a very slight orchid scent. The liquor was still light, but not as delicate as the last infusion. This time it was nuttier than anything else, although it was vaguely vegetal.

For my third and final infusion I brewed at 190°F for five minutes. It still had the orchid scent from the last infusion, but it also had cherry hints. The taste was pretty much identical to the last.

(I was confused here, because I had not realized that this was not a smokey tea. Ok in my mind I knew it wasn’t a purple tea, but I have yet to have a mislabeled tea at What-cha.)

Round 2

I decided to start again (still did not look at the name on the bag) and steep the tea even longer than before. With my new leaves I brewed at 185°F for four minutes. This time I was getting an orchid and vegetal scent. As for the taste, it wasn’t drastically different from my first infusion, it still was nutty, and the hay taste was the star.

For my next infusion I brewed at 195°F for five and half minutes. This time it was very different. The liquor was pale like all earlier tries, but the taste was amazing. This time it had a sweet edge as well as being nutty. The sweetness tasted raw like freshly picked sugarcane.

(At this point I finally discovered that this was not a smokey purple tea)

I am rather fond of this tea, even though before my realization it confused me while it is a lot lighter than my everyday type of green tea. I found it enjoyable. This Zi Sun Cha feels like a white tea drinker’s introduction to greens, as well as the reverse. Although if I blindly tasted this I might think it was an oolong because of the floral notes to it. This is too light of tea for me to recommend gongfu brewing this; it becomes interesting the longer it is steeped. I also found it interesting that the leaves feel like they can be continuously reused even though I had relatively long steep times, it never felt watery or thin. I feel that I can serve this to any guest without them complaining about the bitterness (all my guests are unenlightened plebeians who mistake astringency with bitterness).

(Underexposed pictures at http://rah-tea.blogspot.com/2014/10/what-chas-zhejiang-purple-bamboo-shoot.html)

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I’ve had a few purple teas from Kenya before, but all that I have had before were closer to black teas then greens let alone a purple tea from Yunnan, so What-cha’s Graceful Purple Zi Juan really interested me. Because of my little mix-up yesterday I did not have a gongfu session with this tea, but I may return to it at a later date.

This is a wonderfully smoky green tea, the dry leaves smell like beef jerky and dry gourd. The leaves are very dark for a green tea, but even with the pungent smoky smell, I could smell it was a green tea. The dry leaves remind me a little of a long jing crossed with a very tippy white tea.

For my first infusion I brewed at 176°F for two minutes. Instantly I was greeted with a very smooth texture. It had moderate (if it was a black tea, I have never had a smoky green tea before), but it also had a tangy grape taste as well. It had a mild smoky aroma, also a little vegetal.

My next infusion I brewed at 185°F for three minutes. This time it had a very silky creamy texture. While it was still smoky, I was starting to taste very mild floral notes, there was also some fruity notes and a little earthiness at the end.

Overall I found this tea to be really nice; I enjoyed the lingering smoky taste while the initial smell may stop a veteran green tea drinker, if you take the plunge and brew it I am sure you’ll love it. It almost reminds me of an oolong/Hei-cha hybrid, but in the back of my mind I could always see how it is a green tea.

(Originally post on http://rah-tea.blogspot.com/2014/10/what-chas-yunnan-graceful-purple-zi.html)

Flavors: Earth, Grapes, Smoke, Tangy

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This is the tea I threatened after the rough start to my tea day. It did not flinch. I’m thinking is it stupid, or just arrogant? Turns out neither. This is in my opinion an exceptional white tea. The leaves (buds really) are fuzzy white and beautiful. They smell of fresh grassy hay and malt with a hint of fruit. Steeped the leaf aroma is fresh bread and the buds turn green and alive looking. The tea is the faintest yellow that is clear and bright. The taste is a mix of light malt and fresh hay with melon or cucumber notes late in the sip. I also catch hints of fruit. All of this is surrounded by a fresh mineral taste at the beginning and end of the sip. The aftertaste is fresh, lingering, and of hay and malt. Subtle by usual black tea standards but if you love white tea, I think you will be impressed by this one. Yes! My day is looking up.


Yay! :)


I just read an article on puercn.com that market researchers in China are predicting white teas like the Silver Needle will be the next big trend. Especially as people are now aging these teas, something awesome and valuable may emerge in the short term future. I guess we better buy up what is good while the exports are as high quality as they are right now.

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drank Ceylon Golden Tips Black by What-Cha
306 tasting notes

This is an incredibly mellow and smooth black tea. I am brewing it Gongfu style in a gaiwan. The first infusion is very mild and a bit floral, there is a lingering caramel sweetness on the tongue. It’s wonderful. There is ZERO astringency and I mean zero.

Oddly enough the first brew for 15 seconds was a burnt orange color and the second brew for 30 seconds is a muted gold color. Interesting. I’ve never seen a black tea get so much lighter in color on a repeated infusion. This time the brew tastes very honey like with floral notes. The third infusion was more delicate and pale with subtler floral notes.

This tea is delicious. It lost it’s spark pretty quickly with Gongfu style infusions but would make a wonderful western cup. I really enjoyed this. Very sweet and mellow for a black tea.

Flavors: Caramel, Floral, Honey, Sweet

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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As I type this I can say I am feeling some improvement, I am certainly not back to ‘normal’ but I am getting there. Also as I type this there is a massive storm raging outside, power keeps flickering on and off, and the wind is howling. This could be the last storm I experience this year, it makes me a little sad since storms are my favorite kind of weather to experience. If I am lucky I will get to have some snow storms while I am visiting Pennsylvania.

Since it is Wednesday, that means it is time for a tea from What-Cha! Nepal 2nd Flush 2014 Sencha Green Tea is a fascinating green tea from Greenland Organic Farms in Nepal, and I admit, I had some confusion on what to do with this tea. Did I want to brew it like a Japanese Sencha in my Kyusu, Western Style in a teacup, or like a Chinese green in a gaiwan, not gonna lie, I sat for a few minutes with tea gear paralysis trying to decide what method to go with. I realizes my Kyusu was practically pouting from neglect so I decided to brew it Japanese style. While I was trying to decide, I spent this time admiring the shape and color of the leaves, they are beautiful, looking like a pile of pine needles on my tea dish, very impressive. The aroma of the needles is as beautiful as the leaves, very light and delicate with notes of chestnuts, fresh hay, mown grass, and an ocean breeze. I have such a weakness for teas that have a marine note to their taste or aroma, it instantly transports me to the beach and that makes me immensely happy. I think I am just going to sniff these leaves while I wait for my kettle to heat up.

Oh man, steeping the leaves makes the aroma so green! Like a delicious pile of grass, spinach, and kelp with a strong sea water note wafting out of the now warmed and soggy leaves. It has a great savory umami quality to it. The liquid is incredibly mild, with clean water and algae notes, it reminds me of the aroma of a clean mountain creek with vibrantly green algae growing in it.

The first steeping is very light! It tastes refreshing and clean, starting with a sea air and algae note and fading to grass and kelp at the middle. The end is a lingering taste of spinach, giving the whole tea a great mildly savory tone, good for people who only want a little umami.

As predicted I went for another steep, the aroma is a mix of green grass and kelp with a tiny hint of sweet nuttiness at the finish. The taste is very similar to the first, but instead of being delicate it has strength, like a refreshing sea air viking…ok, not like that, but you get the picture (I hope.) Leaving this tea to sit and chill (totally by accident, I fell asleep in my chair for about half an hour, happens to the best of us) I noticed it had an incredible sweetness at the finish of fresh chestnuts. This gave me an idea.

Cold Steeping Time! I really do not cold steep enough, I wanted to go all out this time and so I left my tea to cold steep in the fridge for a whopping 20 hours. The first thing I noticed when taking a sip was it had no taste, after realizing I was being kinda dumb (it was first thing in the morning) I shook it up and took another sip, ok that is some flavor! It is richly green and refreshing, like dew drops off of freshly cut grass mixed with kelp. Add in a nutty, yet surprisingly unsweet finish, and you have a delicious tea. I think my cold steep method might need some work still, since I bet if I steeped it for a shorter time it would be sweeter, or that could just be a product of chilling already brewed tea. Either way, this Sencha from Nepal was what I needed to clear my head on a hot autumn day.

For review and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2014/10/what-cha-nepal-2nd-flush-2014-sencha.html


oh man, I hate tea gear paralysis.


It is probably the only bad thing about having a bunch of cool tea gear :P (ok maybe trying to find a place to keep it all too)


I still have a homeless tea tray that I don’t know what to do with . It’s a bad size for everywhere I have tried.


I fear this might happen to me as well, my mom got me a glorious teak wood tray and I know when I bring it home after my visit, trying to find a home for it will be a challenge.


Mine is currently awkwardly living on the kitchen counter. I can’t turn it on it’s side unless I tape the removable piece down which I’m afraid will ruin the wood.

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My sweetie made a pot of this today, but I really wasn’t feeling it. I couldn’t really put my finger on any of the notes in the tea, aside from there being a bit of a bitter undertone and it tasting really different from other green teas.

This is a cool tea, but looking at my previous note, I see that I observed that it’s not an easy sipping tea, and I’ll concur with my previous conclusion. I think next time, gong fu and a small quantity.

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