The Tea Set

Recent Tasting Notes


This has been one of my favorite late night teas – it’s light and naturally sweet. It’s delicious with a little bit of honey if you have a sore throat, too. Read the full review here:

Flavors: Flowers, Fruit Tree Flowers

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp

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Thanks to Tunes&Tea for sending this along in a huge box of wide variety of tea that arrived Christmas Eve morning! I’m super excited to try the Asian grocery finds and the pu’erh! Plum sounded good to me this morning (err just before noon) I associate it with the holidays despite the fact the husband could find absolutely no fresh plums to make pie.

So this tea is very pretty, in not sure what the petals are, they looked like saffron at first but when I saw a cluster of them I doubted that, their more pink than orange. The dried leaf has very little scent but the wet leaves smell like dark fruit. I actually spent quite awhile sitting with te cup under my nose, just contemplating the tea. The taste is sweet, fruity, tart and has a cool chalky feel. I’m not totally sold on the plum, but its close. Not sure when this was discontinued, I don’t know anything about the shop it came from, but I enjoyed it.

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Steep Information:
Amount: 2 tsp
Water: 500ml at 195°F
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL
Steep Time: 1 minute 30 seconds
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: sweet mango
Steeped Tea Smell: sweet, bakey, hint of mango
Flavor: bitter
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: astringent
Liquor: translucent orange-brown

I did not like the base of this tea

Post-Steep Additives: sugar packets
sweeter, fruitier


195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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One of my favorite holiday teas, this has a heavy fruity and citrusy flavor, along with some ginger and spicy notes. It tastes like a Christmasy Lemon Zinger fruitcake. In a good way.

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OH EM GEE. this TOTES worked for me and my man candy Lorenzo!!! we were just enjoying eachothers wonderful company, me basking in his perfectly tanned complexion and raging arm muscles, and i decided to try this out to perchance endeavor to seduce him. well 2 cups of tea and 2 hours later, we were entwined in the realms of sweet love and reckless lust. it was the steamiest passion i have ever experienced. recommended to all couples who need that little pick me up. go for it, GO CRAZY SLUTS!

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This would prob be better iced due to the hibiscus factor. Check out my previous notes. SIPDOWN. The only reason I am drinking this one right now is because I needed the tin to mail some matcha to Anne! LOL


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The Tea Set sent me a FREE SAMPLE for my birthday. When they first emailed me about it they told me they were sending me one of their Organic Sexy Samples. When I got it in the mail yesterday there was a small designer tin in the shade of a light mustard yellow…very cute! There was no name/flavor on it but on their website the teas are in color coded tins…so my Yellow Tin MEANS Herbal. I then matched up the loose leaf in the tin with the blends on the site and the Secret Elixir For Wellness Tea was the closest match. So…here goes!

I’m totally jazzed about the FREE BIRTHDAY SAMPLE, btw…awesome idea for a tea company!!! Kudos to TTS!

The dry blend smells mostly herbal with slight fruit undertones. The coloring after infused is a purplish-pinkish-red. The liquid after infusion smells fruity.

Based on the color and scent after infusion I was afraid…Hibiscus??? Oye! I think that’s Hibiscus! Eeeek! But it’s actually not bad…yes, it’s a fruity herbally tarty type but it’s not too much to handle. I’m drinking it HOT right now but I think it would be brilliant ICED.

As for the after taste I’m getting an apple likeness…actually, it reminds me of cutting up apples and putting lemon juice on the slices so the “apple-meat” doesn’t darken…

This is pretty good…and this is coming from someone who usually doesn’t like fruity/tarty/herbals…I think it’s because it’s not over the top! Thank The Tea Gods!!!!!

Show 3 previous comments...
gmathis 15 years ago

Happy Birthday (early or belated). My best friends and I have a rule that gifts and wishes three weeks either way still count. Very liberating not to have to remember the exact date.

Cofftea 15 years ago

I’m all for starting the celebrating 3 weeks early or continuing 3 weeks later- but remembering the exact date is always nice:) Today is my someone special’s mom’s birthday and the 15th was my moms. At least now we know what people do in June lol.

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

The 16th was mine…Thank you both for commenting! :)

Cofftea 15 years ago

I like how the tins are color coded too- makes it easy for just grabbing when you can’t make up your mind what you want. Some times I know I want a green or white but can’t decide what exactly.

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

I’m the same way! Almost every morning I start with a BLACK or FLAVORED Black and then change it up after that as the day goes on. Sometimes I say to myself…GOODNESS!!!! I am really craving a WHITE or a flavored GREEN…so yeah, I can totally relate…

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Where is the coconut? Certainly not here. Really not crazy about this blend.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Sending the Rest to a friend…

Cofftea 15 years ago

I don’t think I could ever drink this… it reminds me of a massively awkward PDA… lol!

Cofftea 15 years ago

Or worse a code name for a tainted drink to make you get cosy.

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This smells like a mixed drink but I couldn’t tell you which one. There is much mystery to this Rooibos when it comes to smell. It’s not a sweet as I thought it would be…like a Rooibos but a woodsy-alcohol type taste. Regardless it’s a bold and even taste and I think I kind of like it! I was very excited to try The Tea Set for the first time and I am hoping to try some more…Today I was trying to view their website and wasn’t able to so that was a BUMMER

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TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

The more I am sipping this – the more I like it and think it’s very different from any rooibos I have ever tried!

All things green 15 years ago

That’s funny you tasted an alcohol flavor and it’s called “Club” drink. Maybe that’s the intent. Sounds interesting.

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

LOL – Wondered if I didn’t know the name of it if I wouldn’t have tasted that…ya know!? :P

Cofftea 15 years ago

I definitely agree that the power of suggestion can affect taste. Did you know that the only difference between orange and grape soda is the scent and the color?

Madison Bartholemew 15 years ago

that’s exactly why I go off about things not tasting like what they are called!

Cofftea 15 years ago

I agree Madison. I love surprises (especially teas that morph w/ additional infusions), but a tea that starts out not tasting like the name is extremely aggrivating for me. My mojito tea is that way, for what’s in it, it’s a good tea- but there is absolutely no rum flavoring in it and that’s what makes a mojito.

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Yeah…almost ALL the Mojito Teas I have tried seem to be that way…they are WAY OFF!!! :)

Cofftea 15 years ago

The one I have would be spot on if you added rum to it, but while I understand some people add things to their tea (I myself add milk to my chai sometimes), I don’t think the customer should have to add something to it for it to live up to its name.

Madison Bartholemew 15 years ago

yea! preach it sister!

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first i have to say the sample tin is so cute i couldnt contain myself! i had to show everyone :) this is my birthday week sample and it came in ON my birthday :D

the leaves are so pretty! they have these tiny redish orange flower in it that makes it unique.
the smell of the leaves i couldnt figure it out it was creamy and fruity at the same time. the wet leaves have the same aroma but the creamy scent comes out more.
the tea is a really pretty sunshine yellow it tastes exactly lik it smells :) its very good and its a really clean taste
this it defiantly one of the better white teas ive had

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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