Mandala Tea
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Feeling better by the hour!
I’m happy to report that my taste buds are working again. This morning I tried a cup of Verdant’s Bai Mu Dan, & didn’t really report on it, as I just wasn’t getting much. Not the tea’s fault!
Anyway, I’m so happy to be tasting this tea again. It’s a very rich malty brew, but there is always a flavor that I just can’t quite identify. I’ve read everyone else’s review of it, & I’m not finding it in anyone’s comments, although I’m sure others taste it.
What is it? I can’t say. I guess I don’t have a reference point for it…yet!
But this is delicious, & I’m glad to have picked up a few oz of it on my last order. Now I think I’ll re-steep & play the piano for awhile.
Arrrrrrr, me Hearties!!! ‘Tis a lovely morn, & I’m takin’ a float on me Black Dragon Pearl. She’s a beauty of a ship, & pervides a rich & tasty sip, if I say so me self. Rich, robust, with a bit of malt & chocolate, she makes me want to sing, “Yo ho yo ho the pirate’s life for me”. So bring out your whiskey & rum flavored teas, me Lovelies! Lift up your pinkies, me Bonnie tea brewsters, in a salute to Jolly Roger, whilst we swill down our steepings & savor the day! Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!
Explanation: Yesterday was “International Talk Like a Pirate Day”. Little Terri was very excited to participate & had lined up 3 teas to review, all with a pirate theme & jargon. We spent the day running around, & we both forgot all about it until about 1:00am. She blathered on about it all night, in my head, & so there you have it.
This tea was provided by the lovely Azzrian. I’ve had Black Dragon Pearl from Teavana & have loved it ever since they started carrying it. I tend to use 5 or 6 pearls in 8 oz cup & brew 3 minutes, re-steeping 2 or 3 times. I’m thinking that Mandala’s pearls may be a little stronger than Teavana’s, but, on a pirately day such as this, I’m liking it! Excellent straight, sweetened, & also with the addition of the milk of your choice, it’s a great breakfast tea.
I decided to take this one out today and give it a whirl, I guess I still wanted sheng but something a little less aggressive than the Repave and this certainly fits the bill. This morning I am getting some flowery and clover type notes, with only a hint of bitterness in the finish. I haven’t had this in a while and it seems to be aging nicely in my closet. ;)
If anything it reminds me a bit more of a white puerh than it did in the beginning. Very nice and pleasant overall. :)
I’m by no means a sheng expert but this is a really nice raw pu-erh, down to the lovely paper it comes in.
I did a quick rinse and then ended up steeping this for around 45 seconds. I’m getting a very vegetal taste, kind of bold and assertive like a gunpowder tea but with a slightly effervescent or fizzy taste on the tongue. It does have the slight sourness I’ve come to associate with young shengs and also has a woodsy flavor.
My second steep, I meant to steep it for a short period of time but I ended up forgetting about it. It was a little too strong to drink!
My third steep is a little bit better, it’s now starting to get kind of mellow and sweeter but still with the vegetal quality. I think it has a hint of smokiness too. I think this will age really well but don’t know if I will be able to keep it long enough to age!
I notice Garret’s tasting note claims this tea is good for stagnancy and the heart meridian, it definitely seems to be waking me up and helping me to feel calm and entered. I am not a morning person and suffer from sleepiness a lot so this has gotten me right and chipper!
I need to go but will enjoy a few more steeps of it this afternoon. It’s a lovely sheng.
Too funny that I began my day with a session of this tea prior to meditation this morning. Yes… these pretty much just arrived and this is as young as it gets. When I prepare this tea, I begin with steepings at 15-20 for the first 2-4 steeps, then slowly increase from there.
There are times, though, that I desire for this tea to come on very strong and use full boil (as I do with the mao cha of this same leaf)… lots of leaf, full tongue watering strength. I find this quite invigorating and it opens the tastebuds to all kinds of other flavors I would otherwise miss.
I can’t wait to here more from you about this tea, if you get the chance. I’m having a ball with it and I’m already planning on buying this farms first flush next spring to do another pressing of this tea.
Also… the compression on this cake, as I’m sure you noticed is quite tight. Traditional stone pressing will do that. As this ages, that compression will loosen. Even in the next few months as the tea dries a bit more, the compression will change.
When I taste this tea or smell it, for that matter, I am transported right back to this tea farm and I just sit and smile! Just like I do when I think of you :)
Bright blessings!
hmm, I doubt I really need any more caffeine today but I just have so much tea & I want to be drinking more of my pu’erhs right now. It’s been a VERY warm day here in the city by the bay… now that the weather has cooled down and I’ve had dinner it seems like a nice shu is in order.
After a quick rinse I brewed this up in the yixing teapot. I haven’t had this in quite some time. It has a fragrance of coffee and fresh earth. It isn’t as sweet as some shus I’ve had, but I don’t think it’s quite as fermented either. I did 2 steeps at around 30 seconds and am getting a very mellow tea that’s got elements of dark mushroom and chocolates. I am perfectly happy letting Mandala pick most of my puerhs for me so I don’t have to guess anymore about which ones are good. Yes I am lazy but all it takes is a few bad ones and money wasted…. this is nice. :)
I haven’t been drinking much puerh lately, but I think that will be changing especially now that the rainy season appears to be upon us here in San Francisco. I don’t tend to drink much shu pu-erh at all when the weather is warm. This shu is delicious, especially after the first steep is gone. Nice flavors of chocolate and fruit are present with a very creamy mouthfeel here in this tea. Great for a mid-afternoon pickup here in the damp.
I just got off the phone with my son in S.F., talked about the rain. I’ll have to see if I have some if this. I need to keep better records on my Pu-erh. This one sounds really good!
Yay! I am sooo happy to see people enjoying this one so much, especially since I bought over 200 lbs of it :)
@Garret how does this one compare to the Gong Ting 2005 version? 200 lbs is one big mound of tea I am assuming you feel this must be an awesome tea eh. Well I guess the reviews speak for itself eh. LOL!
HI! That 2005 gong ting was ripened in very small batches in cotton bags, much more controlled. Besides the fact that the 2005 has 4 more years under its belt, too, the 2009 gong ting is dang good right now. I was impressed with it enough when I first bought it to buy a bunch more and Im glad I did, because in just these last 6 to 8 months, it has changed quite a bit and people are liking it alot. Storage has alot to do with it and we keep all of our pu’ers at the right temp and humidity for some pretty prime aging. I look forward to seeing what this 2009 gong ting will be like in 2 to 3 more years, that’s for sure. I think for right now, the 2005 has a little more body/thickness in the tea liquor itself, a little more beefiness on the tongue, more depth to the flavor. I am happy with them both!
Loose leaf pu-erhs are a great thing to have around the office…
I got this today from Mandala and couldn’t wait to try it.
First steep for around 45 seconds is earthy with a nice forest floor aroma, slight bit of chocolate, clean and smooth. There’s a bit of sweetness in the finish too. So far I like it!
Second steep also around 45 seconds. Color is a bit darker now and it has a great creamy quality… delicious and luscious for a pu-erh with no muddy flavor, I like this very much.
I think I will let Garret pick all of my pu-erh teas from now on. :)
What I’d really like to do is prepare tea for you sometime, girl! That’d be a gas! I have to get you some of the 2005 golden gong ting while we still have some in stock. That is, if you haven’t tried it yet. I am very glad that you enjoyed this one, too!! Out of 100 kg’s bought that year, we still have 40 or so left! Gosh, I love the smell in our pu’er vault. Which literally is a vault as our biz is housed in a 1970’s built bank!
I want to join the two of you! :)
I am hoarding my pu-erh for the most part until this wild ride portion of our lives is more settled – its been a very busy roller coaster few months – all positive for the most part but challenging. :) I intend to have some ME and PU time soon!
I am out of these, finally. A sipdown!
I have enjoyed these white tea blooms but it has taken me a long time to finish them off. Normally I am a green tea fan, but I would like to drink more of my white tea supply since they are so high in antioxidants. The trouble is I have so much tea it’s getting hard to sip anything down. I guess there could be worse problems to have ;)
I’ve been feeling frazzled and low today, trying to get my doctor’s office to call me back is like an exercise in frustration (but if you owe them any money , you will never hear the end of it).
I’m reading Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier and somehow this seemed like an appropriate tea to go with book. Beautiful to look at and I’m detecting nice flavors of peach and vanilla in my glass of tea. A quiet moment, almost enough to restore me to sanity. :)
Are you liking Rebecca? The friend who gave me a copy is reading some of her other novels and short stories and recommends them.
Hi!! Did you do a few more steeps of the bloom? I usually like to do one long steep until the bloom opens up and then drink about half and add more hot water a few times. Just curious if that is how you used it, as well.
Thanks for writing up your thoughts on it. I am glad that your quiet moment with tea and book was restorative!
Hi Garret!
I did not do multiple steeps this time but I’ll try that with the blooms I have left. I hope all is well!
Last caffeinated tea of the day – soon I have to get out in the rain again and go somewhere which I am not really looking forward to. I’m kind of in the mood to stay at home and draw pictures of pigs.
Anyway this tea looks great and tastes good too! See previous notes for more info…
This is my first blooming tea and I have to say I am very happy with this!
I used my Lupicia cooler to brew the bloom since it’s around 12 oz and clear. It was really lovely to watch the hand tied flower open up mine was red). At times it reminded me of a sea creature or an alien. Pretty neat!
So I served this tea to myself in a goblet and it’s a light yellow in color. The aroma is very relaxing and — you guessed it — flowery. The tea is very smooth on your tongue and has a nice sweetness along with a slightly vegetal flavor, I’m picking up a slight flavor like corn. The floral nature reminds me a bit of roses. This is a very lovely brew, both in appearance and taste. I have enjoyed it a lot and will probably get more when these run out. Don’t think I will have the time to resteep this tonight, that’s an experiment for another time.
I broke this one out this morning to contrast with the one I had yesterday. They are both really good but different beasts all together.
The Wild Monk has flavors that are more reminiscent of your usual younger shengs. There is a lot of smoky flavor in this one. The flavor profile is more complex with notes of peach, lemon and smoke. It leaves you with an overall sweetness coating your tongue however. Definitely not as bitter as a lot of young shengs. Has a pleasant, uplifting energy that I am enjoying a lot today. I would definitely check this one out if you’re not adverse to some smoke in your tea.
Maybe I am just a fan of mao cha, I need to get some others to compare with the two I already have :)
Yummy. I like this one.
Puerhshop has a good MaoCha.
the one I can think of off the top of my head is the 2008 Nannuo arbor MaoCha. Very fragrant not bitter and has such a wonderful aroma when brewed.
Sil you haven’t tried this? Should have added it to your box… if I have fun Vancouver stuff to share will include some with your next package…
I prefer the cake (I’m down to 2 and somme crumbs…) but I think you should try it. Will try to remember to include it with your next package. :))
I haven’t been drinking much sheng lately and I have no idea why…
Anyway I was in the mood for this today. It’s cold and dreary outside and I felt I needed something uplifting. This is definitely a wild tea… it’s bracing if you steep it at longer temperatures (30 seconds). I’m getting a lot of smoky flavors plus tart lemony ones. This is definitely hitting the spot right now!
I wonder if anyone else has read this article from Tea Guardian that sheng should be used medicinally and not consumed on a daily basis? In Chinese medicine it is used to reduce heat toxins… interesting.
I got this tea in my latest order from Mandala – oooh, it’s very nice!
After my monster matcha green smoothie, I decided to steep some of this up in my Yixing teapot especially for shengs. I decided to stick with short steeps of around 30-45 seconds. The tea flavor here is quite nice… there is a little bit of smoke but it also has a sweetish, thick almost lychee like quality. And yes there is a bit of sourness, a slight lemon flavor. It has a slight fizziness on my tongue in the aftertaste. Compared to the other mao cha I have had, this is considerably more mellow.
If you’re a fan of younger sheng pu-erhs you should really check this one out! I don’t have time for a more detailed tasting note today but I’m sure the 1 oz. of this I have will not last for very long.
Amy – in this last order, had I sent a sample of the cake that we had this mao cha pressed into? When I was in China and buying all this mao cha, they were filling the gaiwan over the rim with the leaf and then pouring boiling water over the leaf for a rinse of about 5,7 seconds. The tea was quite strong in flavor and the energy I get from it is very nice, almost psychedelic, I swear! I definitely see colors a little brighter :)
Young Shengs can be so flavorful but coltish, hard to control. I’m branching out and trying different purveyors (I have an order coming from Butiki); from your reviews, I gather an order from Mandala is a must. Are there three or four that you would suggest I try?
Garret – what was the name of the cake?
Doug – all of the ones I have had are great! I have the Bamboo raw pu-erh, the Xiaguan Flame, the Mengku Gifting Raw, and the Mandala Wild Mountain Green 2011. I would recommend all of them! ;)
Amy…. the wild monk mao cha is the leaf that I had pressed into the wild monk 100gram raw cake. It is going to be interesting to see what happens as it ages and ages and ages!!!
@Doug – if you have an questions about any of our teas at Mandala, don’t hesitate to ask. I am more than happy to help however I may. Thank you for your interest!!!
Backlog… I bought Mandala’s mini-tuocha sampler and this, along with the 2005 Pu Wen Ripe Coin Pu’er is the absolute best of the bunch in my opinion. They’re all tasty, but these ones just seem to be way ahead of the rest in terms of quality and taste.
So how can I describe it? Smooth is the first thing that comes to mind, very smooth. Also very sweet with a pretty intense chocolatey flavor. And, well, these things are huge. Double to TRIPLE the size of most of the other minis. These are very very good, and this sampler has done its job because I’ve found my new favorite mini-tuochas (though nothing will top Verdant’s Cornfields minis in my eyes).
Hey there, friends!!!!
I love the unwrapped coins! We bought all we could from the rep. They are long gone from China but we have about 15 lbs left. Sarah is threatening to take them off the site so she doesn’t run out as they are her favorite :) Her 2nd favorite are the “not-so-minis” which I picked up 75 lbs of last year in Kunming. I’ll save some for you, Amy :)
Breaking out the 2007 Xiaguan flame to try it again. According to my tasting notes I got this 3 years ago (from mandala). I remember being so impressed that I went back and bought another cake. My plan for the second cake is to let it age for 20 years so I can drink the first cake in the meantime. :)
This seems to be aging ok in my closet. It seems slightly more mellow than I remember it, however it is still potent. Definitely a smoky aftertaste but sweet also. Xiaguans can be really bitter if you use boiling water and steep them for too long. I usually give mine very short steeps and use water around 200F. Doing that I get a sweetish/honey aftertaste for the most part.
I love the energy this cake gives me, and the aroma is like a smoky forest. Somehow it is meditative and energizing at the same time. This is one sheng that gets me kind of tea drunk. I think I need to get another one of these… ;)
Oh my goodness!
My order arrived today from Mandala, I was so excited I was practically stalking the Mailman! :)
After I opened my box of goodies, this was the thing I was most excited to try. I love the box it comes in and even the paper wrapper! I might need to get another one for aging. Garret- let me know if you are running low, heh!
Anyway after a quick rinse I did a slight taste and was impressed but it was the 2nd steep that made me really happy. I totally agree with Kwinter on the excellence and good value of this. You get a smoky element, at the same time it is vegetal and somewhat sweet with a eucalyptus like flavor. I am very glad I got one of these!
3rd steep – for about 30 seconds. This flavor is so interesting, the sweetness is coming up a bit more and has a bit of a smoky licorice essence. I quite like that…
More to come…
Hello, my friend! I just checked the stock on this. I thought I had way more of this, but there has been a run on it. I have 2 left. I am contacting a couple of my connections to see if there are any left in China. I’d like to have more. I’m guessing it is long gone, but I’ll try! So happy that you are enjoying it!!!
I have yet to try anything from Mandala that was less than perfect! GET MORE NAOW Amy Oh before you become Amy Uh Oh!
1st-Totally jelly about your Mandala order! I’ve been stalking their site for awhile now. 2nd-my mailman has a tea package for me as well! I can’t believe it isn’t here yet O.O I may start pacing.
Oh nice Tamm Hope it is a great order! Mandala is awesome and so is Garret who runs it hope you can order from him soon!
Azzzz….. you are tooooo kind! But thank you for the nice words, all the same :)
Tamm – nice to make your acquaintance!
Amy – if I can’t track down some of these in the next few days, perhaps I can when in China next. Hoping for an October buying trip. Gotta seriously get together a pallet of tea wares and choose some more material for some Mandala ripe and raw pressings. And if I can’t find this exact one, I am going to look for one with the same flavor/aroma profile. Honest, I will!!
At least the puerh won’t get stale! I’m afraid to buy too much of it for aging purposes though since it sits in my apartment…
Infusion #4
Just under a minute
The color is a little bit lighter but still very dark…like a medium-strong/strong black tea would be. The aroma is just warming, not really overly earthy.
The flavor is more like a pu-erh, earthy and woodsy but less sweeter than the other infusions. It’s less malty but still fairly bold and well rounded.
It’s slightly smoky and a little black peppery, even.
4th infusion is still great. A VERY AWESOME pu-erh. rating for this infusion is about 94-97-ish.
Still in my overall FAVE pu-erhs that I have experienced to date.
Yup! I will say it! I LOVE this pu-erh!
Infusion #3
30 seconds
Still the same darkness in color. The aroma is a bit more muted this time around. The flavor is still malty, earthy, a little more sweet than the 2nd infusion, and the fruity and raisin type tastes seem to have diminished, too. This seems to be more chewy this infusion which grabs my attention. I was going to stop at this 3rd infusion but I might just have to try a 4th.
Same rating bracket as the last infusion!
(See previous notes for 1st infusion)
2nd infusion…
It smells more earthy and dirt/wood/forest-like.
Still 15 secs for the infusion time.
Still the same color dark DARK Brown.
The taste is a little more earthy but still slightly sweet and woodsy with a hint of smoke and less fruity flavor…what fruit I am picking up this time around resembles raisins, perhaps…moreso the outer skin of the raisin. It’s still VERY nice.
For this infusion I still give it HIGH 90s…right around 95-97 or so.
More infusions to come soon :)
Yay for piano!