Kusmi Tea

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drank Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
6768 tasting notes

LOVE the name of this. This tin is awesome too. You can smell each one of those ingredients in there when you open the tin! It ‘brews’ quickly. It’s medium brown in color. Wet leaves you can primarily smell lemon, lime, bergamot over the tea.

It’s bold but not as chalky as some Earl Grey types can be. I like the lemon and lime adds. “E” for effort…it’s not too shabby! :)


Is it smokey? I have a Russian Earl that I haven’t tried yet because I never know if I’m in the mood for the smokey!

I’ve been finding people are either crazy about Earls or hate them!


I also wanted to say that Kusmi and Andrews & Dunham have some of the most amazing tins!!!


I didn’t get much smoky – more of those citrus type scents than smoky or black tea scents


I’ll have to put this in my shopping cart!


It is a strong, intense scent regardless…lol…

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‘Brews’ pretty quick! Love the color! Dark burgundy brown. Smells smoky but doesn’t lose it’s black tea scent. It’s a full bodied tea – that is for sure. Certainly a nice one for mornings!

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drank Genmaicha by Kusmi Tea
14 tasting notes

Could smell the roasty/ smokiness of our beloved Genmaicha from the moment I poured the water in the cup. . . .Picked up a few tea bags at one of the Fancy Food Shows, and it’s about time i steeped it! This is not their loose leaf version, but bagged….those of your familiar with Kusmi Tea should know that they really have awesome tea bags, basically sewn around the edges. .

First Steep. . .tasting the rice right away. This is the lightest version of Genmaicha i’ve tried. . . not too much of an after taste. Very smooth though. . . wanted something a bit stronger perhaps. .should have left the bag in longer. . .


this has nothing to do with this post. . . .but the Art of White Tea Sampler that they have over on the side for Todays Steepster Select is looking AWESOME to me.

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Some of the dry loose leaf looks like a gunpowder-type. The pre-steep/dry leaf scent is fairly mild. As it’s infusing it smells like moss and mint.

I’m typing this as it steeps…dum-dee-dum…dah-dee-dah…

It’s COLD here today…about 16 degrees. We got like 2 feet of snow yesterday/last night…ICE and windy. At the office the pressure flow to the heater isn’t up to par so it’s cold in here too!!! ZOINKS!

Anyhow…I think this tea will be good for multiple infusions based on the leaves after the first infusion. If I like this tea…I will put it to the test shortly!

As I look into the cup – the liquid is a little murky but it’s a tannish-light brown with orange hue. Doesn’t really smell like much tho.

The taste is evenly spearmint AND Green Tea…it’s refreshing and not over the top minty so if you are afraid of a lot of mint – try this…


Loved this tea as well. I need to find a place to purchase it from a brick and mortar. I liked how the spearmint wasn’t overwhelming the tea.

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There is the slightest hint of smokiness in this tea, which is about all I can handle. The dominant flavor that stood out to me was honey – though I had added nothing to it. Such a tea stands out fine on its own or with a little milk.

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drank Troika by Kusmi Tea
596 tasting notes

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drank Troika by Kusmi Tea
596 tasting notes

Really delicious, like all of the Kusmi teas that I have tried. These folks know how to flavor tea.

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
6768 tasting notes

Out of this again…bummer…dude…

I’m really not sure why I like this as much as I do – but I do.
The aroma seems to put me in a trance. A fruity, creamy, candied smoothness…tastes as so, too.

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
6768 tasting notes

I’m still shocked that I like this one so much but I do…soothing and sweet…

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
6768 tasting notes

I still really like the smell of this…very unique and smooth. My first cuppa the day! YAY!

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
6768 tasting notes

I recently got a little bit more of this and am drinking it now…totally LOVING it more than before so I am upping the rating! It’s caramel but not obnoxious! It has a hint of fruit too. It sort of remind me of a cross between a Werther’s Original and a Creamsicle Candy.


That sounds soooooo delicious. I really have to get my hands on some Kusmi tea!


Want me to send you a sample!?


Do you see anything in my cupboard that you might like to try? I would do a trade :) I don’t want to impose! jmanni@uarts.edu if you’d like to swap!


I’ll drop you a test email now…let me know with a quick note back…will look at your cupboard shortly…thanks!


Really nice review this sounds good.

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
6768 tasting notes

Scent: Floral and Caramel
Color: Orangish-Brown
Wet Leaf Scent: Caramel and Woodsy
Taste of Tea: Primarily Caramel and black tea taste with Bergamot and a little wood-like taste.


Would you say it’s a strong black tea? Does it have a ceylon base? Sounds delish!


It’s not WAY OVER THE TOP Strong but it’s a good strength, yes.

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This is a tasty and competent black tea. I’ve enjoyed other Christmas teas more and the fact is that my personal tea aesthetic wants to be overwhelmed by the spices of Christmas. Instead of just an overtone or two and a slight note, I want to have my socks knocked off by the holiday effect.

But for many drinkers, less is more and you will like this a lot. Just because I don’t do subtle does not mean this tea will not be wonderful for you.

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I found this tea as part of a loose-tea selection on a gourmet food website that had much more reasonable shipping fees than Kusmi’s website (score!)

As I open the tin I’m struck with the mouth-watering odor of marzipan and I’m surprised when I don’t see any almond slivers mixed in with the tea. As the tea steeps, the scent of green tea slowly creeps back in. When I take a sip I can clearly taste the nuttiness of the tea base which meshes very nicely with the almond. It’s a very sweet almond flavour too, and not artifical at all, in my opinion. As I drink more of the tea it seems to build up in the mouth, becoming more prominent.

I’m in love with sweet almond and marzipan so I seems only natural that I love this tea. It’s clearly not powerful, robust breakfast fare, but I think It would be a wonderful dessert tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Mmm, what’s the website you found this on? I LOVE marzipan, so I might be interested in this.


Sounds intriguing. Ever since Teavana discontinued their Rose Marzipan flavor I’ve been on the lookout for a good replacement.


@Bethany: It’s a Canadian website so I have no idea what their international shipping fees are like, but they have a really neat selection of specialty food items you can order (I want to try their Marinated Cattail Hearts).

@Suzi: I never tried any of Teavana’s teas so I’m not sure how it might compare but IMO this tastes pretty damn, good! ;)

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drank Green Darjeeling by Kusmi Tea
15 tasting notes

Another tea from my assorted selection of teabags (good quality muslin kind) that I bought to brighten up my work day.

Online it’s described as having a floral taste, and yes, maybe slightly. What I noticed, though, from smelling it, was grapefruit. It tastes of grapefruit too, but only lightly. There’s the slight texture of green tea, a stronger texture than black Darjeeling, but not by much.

I have a feeling I’ll be buying this after I’m done with the samples.

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Sweet Love by Kusmi Tea
15 tasting notes

Well, it is sweet and it is lovely. Normally I don’t go for things that are licoricey, but it was pleasantly tolerable. I’m a little worried about the guarana…in a few minutes I’ll probably be flying.

Definitely don’t steep too long as it doesn’t need it. Smells amazing!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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This is a pretty subtle Earl Grey. I like the added aromatics.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Just an okay breakfast tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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Five down, four to go! Yup, I have been christmas present shopping. These were all the easy presents, to the people who are usually difficult to buy for. But this year I have actually been supplied with wish lists. For! The! Win!!! I guess my grandfather wasn’t about to risk a repeat performance of last year where he got three copies of the same book.

When I was about halfway done I passed a cafe and sat down for a cup of tea and a yummy yummy chocolate orange cake. If ever there was a spongecake rating website, I’d give that one at least a 95.

This tea was a bad choice though. Oh the TEA was just nice. Very jasmine-y aroma and a surprisingly light brew. I thought it tasted pretty good, and was for once pleasantly surprised by Kusmi. They’re better than your average teabags for sure, but I’ve always felt that Kusmi was generally just the teensiest bit overrated. I liked this one, though. It could have had a better balance between tea and jasmine as the majority of the flavour was jasmine, but it could definitely have been so much worse too.

It’s just a shame that it was a far too delicate tea to go with the cake I had chosen. :/


So I am not the only one who think Kusmi is a little overrated :)
I wish I was as rational as you… I have tons of presents to buy, and it’s nearly christmas.


No, I got a sampler box with ten different teabags from Kusmi last year. I was rather disappointed by most of them.


Oooh, interesting. I’ve had the same problem with eating and tea! I’ll think to myself, I want THAT! And then I’ll sit there eating my choice and wincing because what I’ve chosen doesn’t go at all with my tea. :(

And I haven’t heard the best about Kusmi, although Prince Vladamir is supposed to be good.


Argh prince vladamir, I couldn’t get past the smell, chai!!! Ahhhhhh! This one sounds good though.


I like the Prince Vladimir. But that’s because the smell reminds me of bubblegum :)

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Nice bright fruit flavor mellowed by sweet caramel. Reminds me of the Tower of London blend by Harney and Sons.

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Earl Grey by Kusmi Tea
93 tasting notes

Sigh I promised I would write a new note, when I had bought a new one.
Now I wish I hadn’t.

Turns out my tea isn’t old. It really taste like that! It’s such a letdown that I feel myself getting sadder and sadder for each sip. Did it really taste like that Sips Yes it did!

Let’s start at the color. Nice decent orange, Very Earl grey-ish.
There a wiff of bergamot, but there so little that I have to stick my nose into my cup. Already disappointed I take a sip … And it taste like Earl Grey. It’s not the taste I am disappointed at, it’s the lack thereof. This tea is so stingy about the bergamot, I can hardly taste it!

I tried to make the steeping time longer, but it dosn’t help.
I twirled the teabag around in the mug, it only left small leaves at the bottom.
I even tried to force some juice out of the leaves with a spoon!
But nothing helps.

I know some people who aren’t fond of bergamot or strong tasting teas, so this will be waiting for them in my cupboard. But I’ll have to find something better than this, to other people.

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drank Earl Grey by Kusmi Tea
93 tasting notes

Oh no I didn’t….But I did. I poured some of that widely hated, and widely loved, Earl Grey tea into my cup.

I always have some Earl Grey in my cupborad in case someone would ask for it. Today I felt like trying something “new”. And since I havn’t had Earl Grey for ages, I took this out.
Like many others, I don’t cherish Earl Grey as much as I should. I blame my mother, she forced this tea into me whenever I was sick. But this blend of tea is the reason that tea became so popular, so I can’t hate it. You have to be a little gratefull in life.

The smell isn’t impressive. Maybe the tea itself is too old?
Good thing noone ever asked for it then. I would hate to serve a bad tea.
Can’t comment this tea, sorry. I will return, when I have bought some new ;)

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drank Four Red Fruits by Kusmi Tea
359 tasting notes

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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Sounds interesting, Ricky. I’m not a fan of vanilla but I’m okay with cream…maybe I’ll try this one before I get Marco Polo. :)


I’ll be throwing both in the TTB are you participating? =]


No, I never signed up :) I probably should have, though…I also have a bunch of teas that I’d like to share :)


Well most of us are open to trading on a one-on-one basis aswell so there’s nothing saying that you can’t still share your teas with other Steepsterites. :)


Well that’s why I’m sending you a PM now =P

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