As I added the water to the dry leaves, this beautiful green scent drifted up and teased my nose. The dry leaves were somewhat disappointing to look at, looking somewhat more brown, but still green. I dunno. The scent once I added the water has me hopeful.

A sip. Spinachy again, but much more muted than #5 was. I think I like this one better though, for some reason. It has something else about it, and my brain is stumped trying to come up with what it is. It’s quite tasty.

Yeah, that cup went way too fast. It’s really nice. I enjoyed it. I’m so happy for the chance to try all these different kinds of tea, and find something new I never thought I would enjoy. Stacy from Butiki Teas, this has been a wonderful opportunity. Thank you so much for doing this.

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Butiki Teas 11 years ago

So glad that this has been a good opportunity for you to try a bunch of different kinds of tea! :)

Cheri 11 years ago

It has been great! I’ve found a tea I would never have found that I like. Right now, I’m learning about the different greens that I haven’t had before. This is such a great opportunity. You could actually sell something like this. 2-3 servings each of a variety of different straight teas, with instructions and descriptions. There are places that have things like “green tea samplers” and whatnot, but I’ve never found that as helpful as I’m finding this.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Cheri-I’ve been thinking about doing this for our green and oolong teas to start. It does take a bit more work to make a sampler like that though. It took me hours to put that box together (though that also had to do with going through small packet samples. I think I might test out a green tea sampler and see how that goes. I was contemplating adding in individual biodegradable tea bags and also maybe keeping all of the samples in a tin so that we can pre-pack them and keep them fresh.

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Butiki Teas 11 years ago

So glad that this has been a good opportunity for you to try a bunch of different kinds of tea! :)

Cheri 11 years ago

It has been great! I’ve found a tea I would never have found that I like. Right now, I’m learning about the different greens that I haven’t had before. This is such a great opportunity. You could actually sell something like this. 2-3 servings each of a variety of different straight teas, with instructions and descriptions. There are places that have things like “green tea samplers” and whatnot, but I’ve never found that as helpful as I’m finding this.

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Cheri-I’ve been thinking about doing this for our green and oolong teas to start. It does take a bit more work to make a sampler like that though. It took me hours to put that box together (though that also had to do with going through small packet samples. I think I might test out a green tea sampler and see how that goes. I was contemplating adding in individual biodegradable tea bags and also maybe keeping all of the samples in a tin so that we can pre-pack them and keep them fresh.

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Still relatively new to drinking teas, or so I feel, even though I’ve been at it for several months now.

I’m drinking more and more of different varieties of tea.

It’s been a few months that I’ve been on here. I’ve expanded from greens and flavored teas to now I’m all about the oolongs and some unflavored blacks. I’m mostly drinking unflavored teas now, but there are a few of those flavored ones that have a special place in my heart.

Pu-erh is also something I’ve recently found that I enjoy.

I have four kitties and a spouse.


Metro Detroit



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