Thank you to TeaTiff for this tea. I again did this pseudo gong fu cha in my 5oz finum cup, boiling as per the Teavivre site.

TIL that I really don’t like flavored milk oolongs. The milk flavor just tastes like spoiled milk to me. Awful.

But once I got beyond that, a few steeps in, this was decent. I liked the Mandala a lot better. That said, I’m really looking forward to the Gong Fu Tea milk oolong tomorrow.

I did a 5s rinse, and decided to try it since it smelled good. I actually liked it. Really creamy and milky. There was just a little bit of the flavor to it.

The first real steep at 25s was just AWFUL. EEEW. Terrible. I almost dumped it out and the leaves but I decided to drink it (it was only a few ounces) It tastes like sour, nasty milk to me. Just blech.

The second steep was 35s. It still tasted “off” to me, but a lot better than the first.

45s was much better , mostly the off flavor is gone. It tasted a lot more green to me, almost but not quite floral. I noted on this steep how beautiful the color was.

55s was a very nice steep. The off milk flavor is gone. This is still creamy, more floral and just a touch vegetal. I liked the green oolong flavor.

1:05 very nice. Ended very buttery. But nothing spectacular at the same time. Very weird.

1:15 This was my favorite infusion of them all. really creamy and buttery.
1:25 was similar but not as much flavor.

I tried one more steep but it was done by that point.

Yeah, this flavored one is not for me. I would probably have liked the unflavored version of this better, but I can tell it would not be one I would want to stock.

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Still relatively new to drinking teas, or so I feel, even though I’ve been at it for several months now.

I’m drinking more and more of different varieties of tea.

It’s been a few months that I’ve been on here. I’ve expanded from greens and flavored teas to now I’m all about the oolongs and some unflavored blacks. I’m mostly drinking unflavored teas now, but there are a few of those flavored ones that have a special place in my heart.

Pu-erh is also something I’ve recently found that I enjoy.

I have four kitties and a spouse.


Metro Detroit



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