This tea is a green tea that is supposed to be similar to a white. I didn’t quite get that from this tea. I thought it was definitely a green tea, although a lighter one. I didn’t get any of the subtle complexities that I normally look for in a white tea. That does’t mean this is a bad tea; it’s a very delicious tea. It is more subtle that most greens, but it has a very mild vegetable flavor, less prominent than most. I enjoyed it, for sure. I don’t know that I would order it, but it someone offered me some, I would definitely take them up on it.
I took the end of what was in the box, so it wasn’t quite a full serving for my mug, but I actually think it wasn’t significantly underleafed for the amount of water. It was actually a pretty good amount. I even got two solid infusions from it, and I’m going to try to steep it again.