This is another treasure that has been sitting at the back of my tea cabinet. At first when I looked at the leaves I thought it was a black tea and not an Oolong. This tea has been in the tea cabinet stored in a Harney container for maybe 10 plus years. The intial steeping in my Gaiwan resulted in a throughly enjoyable brew that really is so borderline black tea but with the Oolong traits as well. It was honey sweet and it had this coppery glow with a darkfruit flavor. An energizing quality as well. I am assuming this was good tea to begin with but with the aging this tea is so nice.
Interesting! I never think about aging oolongs. We were just drinking an Amber Dragon this morning, and it took me forever to pin down what it was.. totally straddling the black/oolong line. Maybe I’ll have to “lose” my sample packet for 10 years and see what happens.
Interesting! I never think about aging oolongs. We were just drinking an Amber Dragon this morning, and it took me forever to pin down what it was.. totally straddling the black/oolong line. Maybe I’ll have to “lose” my sample packet for 10 years and see what happens.
It was very fine….