First Review. March has been awesome! The weather has been high 60’s and 70’s and this Saturday we Northern Coloradans end with a burst of heat over 80 degrees! Time to go to my garage and take my outdoor carpet out of storage and fix up a place to sit and sip tea on the patio. I have a nice table and chairs and space to grow herbs and MINT (my favorite). When it’s hot I like a good Mint Tea…usually fresh Mint in the Middle Eastern/Egyptian manner with a pot full of leaves very hot and sweet…but dry tea leaves in regular tea form is fine too. When I read about this tea it sounded like a winner for year round use. Nice for cold days in the Winter and cooling for hot Summer.
The first thing you notice is the dry scent which will knock you down it’s so Pepperminty! I cautiously steeped for 4 minutes. Hum…a first sip without additions like sugar or cream proved just a little bit sweet and drinkable but thankfully not as pungent as expected. After the first taste which is mint, there is brandy in the background.
Whoever the blending guru was for this tea showed restraint and did not overdue the flavoring. Good thing too. It would have been gross, fake, gag me bleh with too much brandy. The taste is just right and interesting! Very Flavorful and rich. I’m liking this tea! Add sweetening and cream for a very special dessert tea. I like dessert! Cool and refreshing. I want to see what happens when the temperature decreases. Can this be iced? I’d love it iced if it can be done and add a little real mint. Pretty in a tall glass!