Many kind people have sent me sample, but I can’t remember exactly who sent this sachet of Kandy. Whoever you are, thank you! This brewed up nice and strong, with bright floral notes and astringency. It reminds me of the sun tea my mom used to make. I bet it’d kick ass with a little honey and lemon.

Good cup, would drink again—though I would probably not order it for myself.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I love tasting things. Slowly, I’m getting better at it.

I am a coffee convert; the 5+ cups of strong coffee I used to drink every day has trickled down to 1-2 cups a week, if a pot’s already brewed and I’m feeling lazy. Otherwise, tea all the way!

It’s been a few months now, which is enough for me to know that everyone likes different things about their cup. Personally I like my teas the way I like my men—strong and naked, with no artificial flavors or preservatives. Also dry, and in a tin. Hah!

Life is interesting and occasionally irritating. Because of this, I am sometimes laser-eyed, but a nice cup of tea usually helps.


Lovely green Oregon

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