Tea reviewing noob here… not new to the drinking but new to trying to analyze it more in depth than just yum and bleh. So bear with me as this is my first review here! O.O
Picked this up during the Black Friday Sale that Tea from Vietnam had (Thank you Steepster for that wonderful thread that kept track of all the sales!)
I’m using a 8 oz ceramic cup with infuser because I’m just not a Gaiwan kinda gal.
This oolong falls on the green young fresh side, even though the leaves look a little roasted, it’s not carrying thru to the cup. Don’t judge this tea by the bag sniff… the gorgeous floral aroma cannot be picked up from the dry tea… you have to water it! :D Overall a great cuppa and I’m likely to re-order this and share it with my tea drinking friends. :)
Flavors: Creamy, Flowers, Tropical