I received a sample of this with my order. I’ve been trying to branch out and I’ve been wanting to get into oolongs for a while. This tea smells extremely sweet in the bag, and the sweetness smell only mellows out a little when brewed. This concerned me slightly since I’m not a huge fan of very sweet teas, but the sweetness is not unbearable. It’s sweeter than I’m used to, but I like the nuttiness so I’ll just have to get used to the sweetness. I’m not sure that I would drink this all the time, but it’s nice to have around for when I want something different. I drank one cup plain (steeped as the notes say) and left the rest brewing. I drank the second cup with a tiny bit of milk. The longer steep time seems to bring out the oolong base more, and the milk makes the almond flavor pop.
Flavors: Almond, Marzipan, Nuts, Nutty, Sweet