so i know nothing about pu er. like, absolutely nothing. however, i’ve always been interested in the flavors people describe it with so when my dad offered to let me buy tea (as a present for getting my drivers license) i decided I AM GOING TO BUY PU ER. AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME.

then i received the package today and just sort of. stared at it. what do i do? how do i do this? what? i read how other people did it and did it that way

not a thorough review but here are my impressions: it smelled much more strong than it tasted. for the most part it just tasted very smooth and almost mushroomy with a bit of herb-yness. if most pu ers taste somewhat like this, i guess i’ll keep going. it’s nice and i’d drink it again :0

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec

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Hello! My name’s Natalie and I’m seventeen. I only got into drinking loose tea regularly about six months ago and I’m definitely a newbie :)

I really love black teas the most but every now and then I’ll pick up something else. Right now I happen to be on an oolong streak! I drink almost exclusively straight teas as well so I’m rarely interested in blends.

I’m always open for swaps so if you see anything in my cupboard just send me a message to see if I’m interested in swapping it! Also, I have tons of samples that I don’t add to my cupboard on here so if you’re wondering if I have any samples you might like just ask me :)

(Other than drinking tea of course) my hobbies include Irish dancing and playing the cello (and I have an unhealthy interest in biology haha).

My scoring system:
0-29: I’d pour out my cup of it after one sip.
30-49: I’d finish the cup, but I wouldn’t particularly want to make it again.
50-59: It’s alright, and I’d drink it if offered to me.
60-69: It’s tasty but I won’t go out of my way to buy any.
70-79: I’d buy this to drink every once in a while, but if I ran out I wouldn’t rush to get more.
80-89: I enjoy this tea a lot and drink it regularly. Would recommend!
90-94: Super delicious and would run to buy more once I run out!
95-100: This is so good I am probably crying over the difficulty between drinking it all the time or drinking it only on special occasions.



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