Well, this is a shame. The first tea since I’ve had since Monday and I suppose I wasn’t quite ready for it. It tastes funny. No, correction: I’m tasting funny. I thought I was enough on the upswing from the cold that has literally knocked me out since Monday to have some tea. But no. And to add insult to injury, this cup empties out my tin of this. Really wish it would have had a better send off. I can taste some of the nuttiness and vegetal flavor that I enjoy about this tea, but they just aren’t sitting cohesively on my tongue. Bah. Back to orange juice it is.
Nooooooooo! Poor Auggy. Get better!
Feel better soon!
You’re tasting funny? Really?
*Noms on Auggy to test it out * XD
Thanks – I am doing my best! And :P at Jillian. Aren’t you lucky that I’ve managed to shower recently so while I’m tasting funny, at least I’m not tasting funky! Hehe.