White teas perplex me for two reasons; one mental and one practical.

First, I always think that white teas will be either boring or overflavored. I don’t know where I picked up this notion because I usually really like white teas. This one is no exception. Rishi’s silver needle is really delicate. It has a bit of a sweet aroma. The taste is a bit more on the vegetal side, but really nice. I’d describe it as a mild green tea with any bitterness absent.

The second reason white tea perplexes me is steep times. More than any other tea, white teas have an enormous range of steep times. I’ve seen recommendations ranging from 30 secs to 8 mins. I think 30 secs-2 mins yields a pretty watery cup. It seems like 5 mins is a pretty popular time to use for this tea. Personally, I went with a longer steep time (7 mins) on this tea and have not tasted any of the bitterness I associate with oversteeping.

In any case, this tea is a solid white tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 7 min, 0 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

AMEN on the range of steep times! I prefer 140-160 degrees for 1-3min. But I also use a lot of leaf- 2.25g/6oz water and that’s a lot of tea since white tea is so light.

Andrew Jesaitis 15 years ago

I used much less leaf. Probably about 2 g per 24oz. I’ll have to try a shorter, more concentrated steeping next time.

Cofftea 15 years ago

WOW I’m absolutely shocked you can call it solid w/ using only 2g. I’d call it water lol.

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Cofftea 15 years ago

AMEN on the range of steep times! I prefer 140-160 degrees for 1-3min. But I also use a lot of leaf- 2.25g/6oz water and that’s a lot of tea since white tea is so light.

Andrew Jesaitis 15 years ago

I used much less leaf. Probably about 2 g per 24oz. I’ll have to try a shorter, more concentrated steeping next time.

Cofftea 15 years ago

WOW I’m absolutely shocked you can call it solid w/ using only 2g. I’d call it water lol.

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Twentysomething Photographer, Skier, Climber

Currently a Web Developer at Golden Helix in Bozeman, MT

Being a former Seattleite, I am a converted coffee addict. I am partial to Oolongs. I also drink quite a bit of Pu-erh tea as it has become my go to morning beverage.


Bozeman, MT



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