Made a pot of this for breakfast with my porridge (oatmeal with raisins, chopped apple, and walnuts, if you wanted to know). I’m still a bit awkward getting my tea ready at the same time as my food even when using my usual bagged tea, but today I guess I felt up to the task of trying loose.
I’m probably not following protocol for tasting, so I won’t get too into specifics, but for all brews I found it a bit harsh yet low on flavor, if that makes any sense. Brewed more lightly it was bland, but drinkable after it cooled a bit. The stronger brew was almost shockingly bitter/astringent – it was improved with soymilk & sugar, but still pretty meh. Tried a second steep, which was much of the same, though a bit milder.
Now about half an hour after finishing, I can still taste a sort of tarry buildup on the back of my throat, as if I’d been smoking. I don’t think I’ll be buying this again.